Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives On Human Behavior Flashcards
Systems perspective
Sees human behavior as the outcome of reciprocal interactions of persons operating within linked social systems.
Part of something larger. Multiple moving parts. One effects other parts.
Feedback mechanisms
The process by which information about last behaviors in a system are fed back into the system in a circular manner.
Refers to the usual behavior of persons occupying a particular social position.
Chaos theory
Emphasize systems processes that produce change, even sudden, rapid, radical change.
Recognized negative feedback looks as important process in systems and recognizes their role in promoting system stability. In addition, it proposes that complex systems produce positive feedback loops that that feed back information about deviation into the stead state in such a way that the deviation reverberates throughout the system and produces chance, sometimes rapid change. This feedback may come from within our system or other systems in environment.
Closed system
No exchange with external systems.
Open system
Exchange of resources with external systems.
Conflict perspective
Looks for sources of conflict, and causes of human behavior, in the same economic and political arenas, and more recently in the cultural arena.
Group and individuals try to advance their own interests.
Lack of open conflict is a sign of exploitation.
Social change is driven by conflict, with periods of change interrupting long periods of stability.
Critical theorists
Believes that the driving force of human behavior is controlled by culture.
Pluralistic theory of social conflict
Recognizes that more than one social conflict is going on at all times, and that individuals hold crosscutting and overlapping members in status groups.
Empowerment theories
Focus on process by which individuals and collectives can recognize patterns of inequality and injustice and take action to increase their own power.
Feminist theories
Focus on make domination of the major social institutions and present a vision of a just world based on gender equity.
Rational choice perspective
Sees human behavior as based on self-interest and rational choices about effective ways to accomplish goals.
Social exchange theory
Starts with the premise that social behavior is based on the desire to maximize benefits and minimize cost.
Social constructivist perception
Focuses on how people can learn through their interactions with each other, to classify the world and their place in the world.
Narrative therapy
Starts with assumption that we all tell ourselves stories about our lives, develops dominate story lines and forgetting material that does not fit the dominant story line.