Chapter 2 (Section 1) Flashcards
A branch of the biological perspective that studies how the brain and nervous system affect the mental processes and behavior.
Neuroplacity and Repair
Collateral Sprouting
The axons of some healthy neurons adjacent to damaged nueron grow new branches.
Neuroplacity and Repair
Substitution on Function
Damaged region’s function is taken over by another area/areas of the brain
Neuroplacity and Repair
The process by which new neurons are generated. Only in the hippocampus (Brain structure involved in memory)
Specialized cells in the Nervous System that transmit information
Studying the Brain and Nervous System
Brain Lesioning
Neuroscientist produce lesions in lab animals to determine the effect on the animal’s behavior
Studying the Brain and Nervous System
Created by surgical removal brain tissue, destroying brain tissue with a laser or eliminating tissue by injecting it with a drug
Studying the Brain and Nervous System
Electrical Recording
Electroencephalograph (EEG) record the brain’s electrical activity. Assesses brain damage, epilepsy and other problems
Studying the Brain and Nervous System (Brain Imaging)
CAT or CT Scans
Computer axial tomography produces a 3-dimensional image via x-rays that assemble into a composited image
Studying the Brain and Nervous System (Brain Imaging)
PET (Positron Emission Tomography)
Measures the amount of glucose in various areas of the brain as neurons use glucose for energy
Studying the Brain and Nervous System (Brain Imaging)
Uses blood oxygen to meausre overall function of brain activity
Studying the Brain and Nervous System (Brain Imaging)
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Creates magnetic field around a person’s body then uses radio waves to construct images of the underlying tissues and biochemical activities
Pathways in the Nervous System
Afferent or Sensory Neurons
Afferent = Arrive
Carry information from sensory receptors throughout our body to the brain and spinal cord.
Pathways in the Nervous System
Efferent or Motor Neurons
Efferent = Exit
Carry information from the brain and spinal cord to other areas of the body including muscles and glands
Pathways in the Nervous System
Neural Networks
Interconnected groups of nerve cells that intergrate sensory input and motor input. Make up most of the brain and allow for amplification of the brains computing power.
Pathways in the Nervous System
Located in the spinal column is the link between sensory neurons and motor neurons
Glial Cells
Glial Cells
Support neurons various functions: getting nutrients to neurons, cleans up dead neurons, provides insulation, and makes up 90% of brain matter
Glial Cells
Whitish fatty substance produced by certain glial cells that coat axons of the neurons; serves to insulate, protect and speed up the neural impulses
Glial Cells
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
A disease that attacks and destroys the myelin insulation