Chapter 2 personality development Flashcards
Oral Stage (Freud)
18 months
relief from anxiety through oral gratification of needs
Anal Stage (Freud)
18 months - 3 years
learning independence and control, with focus on excretory function
Phallic Stage (Freud)
3-6 years
identification with parent of same gender, development of sexual identity, focus on genital organs
Latency Stage (Freud)
6-12 years
sexuality repressed; focus on relationships with same gender peers
Genital Stage (Freud)
13-20 years
libido reawakened; focus on relationships with members of the opposite gender
Infancy (Sullivan)
Birth - 18 months
relief from anxiety through oral gratification of needs
Childhood (Sullivan)
18 months - 6 years
learning a delay in personal gratification without undue anxiety
Juvenile (Sullivan)
6-9 years
learning to form peer relationships
Preadolescence (Sullivan)
9-12 years
learning to form relationships with same gender and initiating feelings of affection for another person
Early Adolescence (Sullivan)
12-14 years
Learning to form relationships with the opposite gender, developing a sense of identity
Late Adolescence (Sullivan)
14-21 years
Establishing self-identity; experiencing satisfying relationships; working to develop a lasting intimate opposite gender relationship
Trust vs mistrust (Erikson)
Infancy (Birth - 18 months)
develop a basic trust in the mother figure and be able to generalize it to others
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (Erikson)
Early childhood (18 months - 3 years) gain some self control and independence within the environment
Initiative vs guilt (Erikson)
Late childhood (3-6 years) develop a sense of purpose and ability to initiate and direct own activities
Industry vs. inferiority (Erikson)
School age (6-12 years) achieve a sense of self-confidence by learning, competing, and receiving recognition from others
Identity vs. role confusion (Erikson)
Adolescence (12-20 years)
integrate the tasks mastered in the previous stages into a secure sense of self
intimacy vs. isolation (Erikson)
Young adulthood (20-30 years) form an intense, lasting relationship or commitment to cause, institution or creative effort
Generativity vs stagnation (Erikson)
Adulthood (30-65 years)
achieve the life goals established for oneself and considering the welfare of future generations
Ego integrity vs. despair (Erikson)
Old age (65 years to death) review life and derive meaning from positive and negative events while achieving a sense of self worth
pleasure principal, present at birth, instinctual
rational self/reality principal
perfection principal
forgotten memories that can be brought back
memories that can not be brought back
Psychic energy
force required for mental functioning that transfers from id to ego to superego
the id invests energy into an object in order to get gratification from it
Sullivan’s personality theory
believes that personality if formed through interpersonal relationships
Not me
according to sullivan, the personality that forms in response to events that cause anxiety
Erickson’s personality theory
influence of social processes form personality
use of psychic energy by the ego and the superego to control the id impulses