Chapter 1 Mental Health and Mental Illness Flashcards
Mental health
the successful adaptation to life’s stressors evidenced by behaviors that are age appropriate and congruent with the culture
Mental illness
maladaptive responses to stressors
Fight or flight syndrome
hypothalamus stimulates sympathetic nervous system
Sustained response
hypothalamus stimulates pituitary gland to release hormones
vague apprehension with feelings of uncertainty and helplessness
state of emotional, physical and social response to loss of a valued entity
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Physiological needs safety and security love and belonging self esteem self actualization
Horwitz model components
Cultural relativity
inability of general population to understand the motivation behind and individual’s behavior
Cultural relativity
behaviors are characterized as “normal” or “abnormal” according to one’s culture or societal norms
General Adaptation Syndrome
general reaction of the body to stress
General Adaptation Syndrome stages
Alarm reaction
Alarm reaction stage
physiological responses of fight or flight initiated
Stage of resistance
physiological responses of first stage used as a defense in attempt to adapt to stressor. If adaptation occurs 3rd stage is prevented or delayed`
Stage of exhaustion
body adjusts to prolonged exposure to stressor, adaptive energy is depleted = diseases of adaptation
Paplau’s 4 levels of anxiety
Ego defense/coping mechanisms
Compensation Denial Displacement Rationalization Reaction formation Regression Identification Intellectualization Isolation Projection Repression Sublimation Undoing
making up for a real or perceived weakness
Reaction formation
preventing unacceptable thought or behaviors from being exposed by exaggerating the opposite behavior
attempt to increase self-worth by acquiring attributes of someone you admire
re-channeling unacceptable drives into constructive ones (a mother whose son was killed by a drunk driver becomes president of MADD)
symbolically negating an experience that is intolerable
Kubler-Ross 5 stages of grief
denial anger bargaining Depression acceptance
Maladaptive grief responses
Prolonged response
Delayed.inhibited response
Distorted response