Chapter 2 - Drug Names And References Flashcards
Trade Names
P. 15; 595
Names by which pharmaceutical company identifies it products; Brand names.
☆ Also, as proprietary or brand name since owned by company.
a. The name by which a pharmaceutical identifies its product.
b. Copyrighted and used exclusively by that company.
c. distinguished from the generic name by- Capitalized first letter.
d. Often shown on labels and references with the symbol R (encircled) after the name (for “registered trademark”).
Chemical Name
P. 15
a. The exact molecular formula of the drug
b. Usually a long, very difficult name to pronounce
c. Of little concern to the healthcare professional
Official Name
P. 15; 591
Name of the drug as it appears in the official reference, the USP/NF; generally the same as the generic drug.
a. Name of the drug as it appears in the official reference, the USP/NF.
b. Generally, the same as the generic name.
Generic Names
P. 15; 588
General, common or non-proprietary names of drugs.
a. Common or general name assigned to the drug by the US Adopted Name ( USAN) Council.
b. Differentiated from the trade name by initial lowercase letter.
c. Never capitalized.
P. 13
The study of drugs and their origin, nature, properties, and effects on living organisms.
• we need to know why drugs are given, how they work and what effects to expect.
Adverse Reactions
P. 20; 583
Unintended side effects from the medication such as a cough, headache, nausea and so on.
Side Effects
P. 20; 594
Unpleasant or dangerous secondary effects of medications.
Tall Man Lettering
P. 18; 594
A method of writing drugs names to help differentiate between look-alike and sound-alike drugs.
Example: CeleXA and CeleBREX
P. 20
A list of other drugs or foods that may alter the effect of the drug and usually should not be given during the same course of therapy.
Example: MAO Inhibitors Will intensify the effects of Benadryl.
Drug References
P. 20; 21
▪Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) (for Physicians, nurses, consumers):
• incomplete with regard to OTC drugs
• contains only those drugs manufactured pay to have Incorporated
• photos
▪United States Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary USP/NF:
- provides information on and standards for chemical and biological drug substances, dosage forms, and compounded preparations, medical devices, and dietary supplements.
* geared for laboratory in manufacturing use
* no easily identified nursing implications
* no photographs of drugs
* can be confusing to use - AHFS Drug Information (American Health System Formulary Service):
* distributed to practicing Physicians; single paperback Volume, includes mobile drug reference and handbook to injectable drugs
* some parts for example, “Chemical Information” and “Drug Stability” not necessary for the health care professional
* no photographs of drugs
* good, concise information; easy to read
* arranged by classifications, with a general statement about each classification at the beginning of each section.- off-label drugs indications are listed (not FDA approved).
P. 19
A list of conditions or take the pieces that weren’t closer observation for specific side effects when given the drug.
Example: do to atropine-like activity, Benadryl must be used cautiously with patients who have a history of bronchial asthma or glaucoma, or with older adults.
P. 19
A list of medical conditions or diseases for which the drug is meant to be used.
Example: Benadryl indications include allergic rhinitis, mild allergic skin reactions, motion sickness, and Mild cases of Parkinsonism.
Legend Drug
P. 18
Prescription drug; determined unsafe for OTC purchase because of possible harmful side effects if taken indiscriminately; includes birth control pills, antibiotics, cardiac drugs and hormones.
☆ because it requires a legend or warning statement that says “Federal Law Prohibits dispensing without a prescription”
P. 19
A list of conditions for which the drug should not be given.
Example: two common contraindications for Benadryl are breastfeeding and hypersensitivity.
P. 19
A description of the cellular changes that occur as a result of the drug. This information tends to be technical, describing cellular and tissue changes.
Example: as an antihistamine, Benadryl appears to compete with histamine for cell receptor sites on effector cells.