chapter 2 Flashcards
Governmental Health Agencies
- part of govermental structure (federal, state, or local)
- funded primarily by tax dollars
- managed by government officials
- authority over some geographic area
- exists at four levels (international, national, state, local)
World Health Organization (WHO)
most widely recognized international governmental health organization
General Information
-Geneva, Switzerland
-six regional offices around the world (africa, washington dc, egypt, denmark, india, and phillipines)
-not olderst world health-related international agency, but largest.
-created after WWII
Organization of WHO
-membership open to any nation that has a ratified constitution and recieves majority vote of World Health Assembly
-194 member countries
Purpose and Work of WHO
-primary objective: attainment of highest possible level of health by all peoples
-work financed by member nations
-most notable work is helping to eradicate small pox.
-challenges: food security, gender equality, maternal health, rural development, infastructure, etc.
top-down funding
method of funding in which funds are transmitted from federal, or state to local level.
National Health Agencies
each nation has department or agency within its government responsible for protection of health and welfare of its citizens.
- U.S. primary health agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - provides essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.
- appointed by president, member of cabinet
- 25% of federal budget
- leading health agency, saves lives, protects the health of all Americans
- pulse of the nation
food and drug administration
- protects and ensures safety, efficacy and security of human/veterinary drugs, biological products and medical devices.
- ensures safety of foods cosmetics, and radiation emitting products.
- regulates tobacco
national institutes of health
- federal focal point for medical research in the US.
- seeks knowledge on nature and behavior of humans and applies to enhance in health, lengthen life, and reduce disease
- started as a one room laboratory in 1887
centers for medicare and medicaid services
- oversees medicare and medicaid and the federal portion of the Medicaid program.
substance abuse + mental health services administration
- provides up to date information and state of the art practices for prevention/treatment of addictive diseases and mental disorders
Four Centers
1. Substance Abuse Treatment
2. Substance Abuse Prevention
3. Mental Health Services
4. Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality
State Health Agencies and State Health Departments
State Health Agencies
- all 50 states have their own state health departments.
- purpose: to promote, protect, and maintain the health and welfare of their citizens.
- usually headed by a medical director who is appointed by the govenor.
State Health Departments
- most organized into division or bureaus
- can establish health regulations
- provide link between federal and local health
- have laboratory services available for local health departments.
1. assesment of health of community 2. public policy 3. assures health services provided to the community
Local Health Departments
-reponsiblity of a city or county governments
- jurisdictions depends on size of population
-state mandated services provided locally
-restaurants, public buildings, and public transportation inspections, detection and reporting of certain diseases; collection of vital statistics.
- approxiamately 2,800 in the US
WSCC Model
whole school, whole community, whole child model
- schools under category of governmental health agencies
- funded by tax dollars- schools have great potential for impacting community health.
ecological approach directed at the whole school drawing its resources and influences from the whole community to serve the whole child.
1. health education 2. nutritional enviornment and services 3. employee wellness 4. health services 5. counseling, psychological, social services 6. physical education 7. health and safe school enviornment 8. family/community envolvement
expands on the elements of the coordinated social health approach
- social and emotional climate, physical enviornment, community involvement, and family engagement
Quasi-Governmental Health Agencies
- some official health responsiblities; operate more like voluntary health organizations
- operate independently of government supervision
- derive some funding and work from government.
american red cross
Diaster Relief: respond to an emergency every 8 minutes
International Services: urgent assistance to people affected by diaster globally
Livesaving Blood: blood drives + education
Training And Certification: first aid, cpr, babysitting/chlildcare, lifeguarding CNA, etc.
Military Families: volunteers provide home comforts and critical services in military hospital around the war.
Nongovernmental Health Agencies
- funded by private donations or membership dues.
- operate free from governmental interference
- meet specific IRS guidelines with tax status
- voluntary
- professional
- social, service and religious
- philanthrophic
- corporate
Voluntary Health Agencies
- created by one or more concerned citizen who feel a specific health need was not being met by government health agencies.
Professional Health Organizations
- made up of health professionals who have completed their specialized training and have met standards of registration/certification or liscensure for their fields.
- mission: to promote high standards of professional practice.
- certification of continuing education programs for professional renewal
- hosting of annual conventions where members share research results and interact with colleagues
- publication of professional journals and other reports
Philanthropic Foundations.
- endowed institutions that donate money for the good of hummankind
- fund programs and research on prevention, control, and treatment of many diseases
- some have broad support, others very specific
ex: Gates Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Social, Service, and Religious Organizations
- many do not have heath as a primary mission, but make significant health related contributions
- contributions of religious groups to community health are substantial
- history of volunteerism, influence on families, donation of space, sponsorship of programs (food banks, shelters)
Corporate Involvment in Community Health
- biggest role is provision of healthcare benefits
- worksite health promotion programs aimed at lowering healthcare costs and reducing absenteeism.