Chapter 2 Flashcards
Case Study
Descriptive research method that involves the examination of an atypical person or organization
Central tendency
Measure that represents the typical response or behavior of a group as a whole
Anything that affects a dependent variable and that varies between experiment conditions
Construct validity
The extent to which variables measure what they’re supposed to.
Average of a set of numbers
Exact halfway between lowest and highest numbers
Most frequent value in a set of numbers
Degree to which an experimental measure is free from error
Bayesian statistics
A class of statistics that combines existing beliefs with new data to update the estimated likelihood that a belief is true
Control group
Participants in an experiment who receive no intervention
Correlation coefficient
Descriptive statistic that indicates the strength and direction of the correlation between variables
Correlational studies
A research method that describes and predicts how variables are naturally related in the real world. No attempt by the researcher to alter or assign causation between them.
Dependent variable
Variable that is measured in a research study
Descriptive research
Research methods that involve observing behavior to describe that behavior objectively and systematically.
Descriptive statistics
Statistics that summarize the data collected in a study.
Directionality problem
A problem encountered in correlational studies where researchers find a relationship between two variables, but cannot determine which variable causes change in the other.