Chapter 18 Nutritional Issues Flashcards
What is diet? What are fad diets?
- food take in on daily basis
- fad diet = they come and go
The DASH diet aims to reduce ___ (mineral). It involves consuming ___ (3). It aims to reduce ____ to ___% a day (1). This lowers the risk for ____ (3 diseases). Is there risk for hyponatremia? In conclusion, ___.
-Lower sodium
-Consume a variety of whole grains
and high-fiber fruits and vegetables, heart-healthy fish and lean meats
-Limit the use of saturated fats (< 7 percent of total calories)
-lowers cancer, heart disease, diabetes
-risk for hyponatremia only if you extremely lower Na diet which is hard to do → like no cons
What is gluten free diet? Where is gluten found? (3) What is the pro? (2) What are the cons? (2)
- avoid protein gluten
- found in wheat, barley, and rye (so most bread products)
- pros: reduces symptoms of gluten diet (diarrhea, constipation, celiac disease that produces antibodies to attack gluten)
- cons: minerals & vitamins (iron, riboflavin, folic acid) not taken in so risk of nutrient deficiency
- also gluten free products more expensive (economical impact)
What is the low carb diet? What are 2 examples? What is a pro? What are the cons? (4)
- limit carbs & eat veg/dairy/etc as want
- Examples are Atkins and South Beach
- pro: limit sugar
- con: limit whole grain product, not very evidenced based diet, high protein/fat consumption, less glucose to brain (not at full capacity)
What is the macrobiotic diet? What are yin foods? (3) What are yang foods? (3) What are the pros? (3) What is a con?
- Balance of yin (90%) and yang (10%) foods
- Yin foods are thought to be sweet, cold, and passive (bland)
- Yang foods are considered to be salty, hot, and aggressive (flavorful)
- pros: yin food high in fiber, low in fat, limit processed food
- cons: omit lots of food items so nutrient deficiency
What is the Mediterranean diet? (4) What are the pros? (5) What are the cons? (2)
Focus on plant-derived foods Eat fish and poultry often Limit red meat Red wine in moderation (well-balanced diet + wine).
- pro: decrease heart disease, cancer, limit processed foods, lower Na intake, poly/monounsat fat from fish & olive oils
- con: no serving amount recommended (some items high calories) & wine not good for people with GI issues
What do you consume in a raw food diet? (5) What is convinient about them? What is a pro? (1) What are the cons? (2)
- Consume whole grains, nuts and seeds, unprocessed fruits and vegetables
- Very little prep needed
-pros: focus on nutritiously rich food
- con: not evidence based, and restrictive
(ex. no pasteurized/processed foods (more food borne illnesses))
What are vegetarian and vegan diets? What are the pros? (3) What are the cons? (3)
- vegan = no animal related like eggs, dairy (strict vegetarian)
- vegetarian can consume eggs, milk
-pros: decrease risk type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer
(but is the decrease in disease risk due to vegetarianism or because they are more health conscious?)
-cons: nutrient deficiencies (supplements required), fibers interfere with nutrient absorption, protein (essential aa) deficiency
What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)? What happens? What does it cause? When acid goes down and reaches the sphincter, what is induced? How can you prevent this disease? (5)
- reflux disease
- sphincter band of smooth muscle that presents acid from going to esophagus. but these ppls dont close entirely → cause esophogeal ulcers (tears)
- when acid goes down and reaches the sphincter, induces vomitting
- avoid getting it by avoiding acidic substance (soda, alcohol, chocolate, tomatoes) & alcohol & caffeine
What is irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? What is the cause? What is it associated with? In which gender is it more prevalent in?
- Muscle spasms in the colon that result in abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea.
- dont know cause, just associated w/malnutrition (those w/eating disorders)
- more women because more eating disorders
What is Diverticulitis? What does it trap and increase risk for? (2) How can it be prevented? (2)
True or false
Diverticulitis when diverticulosis become inflamed. It is really painful
- swelling inside LI
- traps feces & bacteria & put body as risk for infections/inflammation
- prevent by taking fiber, probiotics (promote formation of healthy bac that destroys the harmful bac)
What is Diabetes Mellitus also called?
sweet urine
What is gestational diabetes? What are they likely to develop in the future?
- dev during pregnancy, ends couple weeks after labor
- women have it likely to develop type 2 diabetes
What is type 1 diabetes? What do people with type 1 diabetes need? What is the cause?
- autoimmune disease where pancreas inflamed and beta cells get destroyed
- need insulin injections
- dont know cause
Type 2 diabetes. What are the 3 mechanisms? What is it strongly correlated with? What is a significant risk factor? Why?
- insulin resistance = produce insulin but cells dont recognize insulin
- insulin insensitivity = insulin binds to receptor but no response
- pancrease overwhelmed and does not produce insulin
- strong correlation to lifestyle
- overweight/obese increases risk (constant state of inflammation)
What are the 2 different kinds of diseases? What is the difference?
Infectious vs. chronic
Infectious is more acute, rapid on-set
Chronic can take years to develop
What is health?
state of mental, physiological, and social well-being
What are the top 2 diseases in the US?
heart disease & cancer
What is a risk factor? What is it not?
factor that puts you at risk/increase for a disease (do not cause but strong correlation)
Wha are the 7 risk factors to chronic disease?
- Genetics
- Family history of certain disease(s)
- Age (Risk increases with age)
- Activity level (Screen time/Sedentary jobs)
- Dietary behavior (Saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, added sugar, sodium)
- Environmental factors (pollution, smoke)
True or false
it is important to do annual checkups to estimate ur health (and risk)
Visceral vs. subcutaneous fat (which is worse?) Why? (2)
- visceral (around the organs = central obesity) worse
- impedes action of the organs
- constant state of inflammation (no time to relax)
true or false
Central obesity increases risk of death from all causes