Chapter 18 Flashcards
What were the causes of the scientific revolution?
- Middle Age Universities
Train lawyers, doctors, and church leaders
Philosophy allows math, science, and physics to flourish and grow - Renaissance
Stimulate scientific progress
Greek works of math through the search for antiquity
Pattern of patronage by the wealthy supports humanism, art, science - Navigational problems
Need more accurate maps-commission of mathematicians
Latitude (cross equator- stars are different) and longitude
Greshame for navigation in England
Perspective in art- use of grids - Better Instruments
Telescope, barometer, thermometer, pendulum, clock,microscope, and air pump
Better observations
Bacon- empiricism- observe research by inductive reasoning
Descartes-Cartesian Dualism- deductive reasoning - Role of religion
Religious conflict makes it hard to handle science
Protestant- condemned science
Catholic- more accepting
Prove church wrong
-Church- Geocentric- earth is the center of the universe
-Science-Heliocentric- sun is the center of the universe
What were the consequences of the scientific revolution?
- New social group-international scientific community
Competitive expansion of knowledge
Sharing of info
Need to learn to succeed - New ways to obtain knowledge
Modern scientific method- theoretical and experimental
-Refuse to base conclusion on tradition, established sources, or ancient/sacred texts - Economic and living standards (SEMI)
Merchants richer through navigation
What was the purpose of the encyclopedia and what were its problems?
Edited by Diderot and d’Alembert
Examine the rapidly expanding human knowledge
Teach people how to think critically and objectively about all matters
Organized A-Z
-Banned for controversial subjects such as Atheism, the Soul, and blind people
What is meant by the Reading Revolution?
Old Way- Sacred authority texts, read slowly aloud by the father, savor each word
New Way- many texts, constant changes, individual, rapid, and silent
Explain the Illegal book trade in France.
What is Tabula Rosa?
John Locke
Nature vs Nurture
You are born with your mind as a blank slate and who you turn out to be depends on your environment/upbringing
What is the Enlightenment?
- Scientific methods- social sciences
Capable of discovering the laws of human and societal nature - Reason/rationalism
All natural science should be used to examine life
Rationalism- nothing accepted by faith alone; critical and scientific way of thinking - Progress
Profoundly secular
Worldly explanation - Overall, small effect on peasants, great effect on urban middle class and aristocracy
Why did the Enlightenment reach its peak in France?
- International language of the educated class
- Wrote for the public- middle class- urban dwellers, artisans, nobility (economic and social elite)
- Not harsh on radicals
- Ask fundamental questions of life, God, human nature, good vs bad, and cause and effect
What was the purpose of Fontelle’s “Conversation”?
Popularize scientific findings
Wrote a conversation of the plurality of the worlds while a couple gazes at the stars
Cynical about religion- question uncertainties
What was the main idea of “Social Contract”?
State of nature
-live on their own, no government, no laws
Social Contract
-Contract between people, government, and society
Need to find balance between obedience and individuality
Everyone is here, why not help
Everyone must have equal rights
-attempts to expand rights will fall apart
-broken is not all go along with it
General Will
-reflect the common interests of the people percentage wise
What were Voltaire’s beliefs?
Religious tolerance Diest- God started creation and hands it off to us Government -Strong monarch is best -Social and economic inequality needed War is not worth it
Why was Madame du Chatelet important to women?
Study physics and math
Publish scientific articles and translations
Focus on the spread of ideas to others
-translations- Newton’s “Principia” to French and explain
Women could be just as smart if educated equally
Who is Montesquieu?
"Persian Letters"- social satire, hides his opinions within the commentary of Persian travelers critiquing Europe "Spirit of Laws" -3 branches of government -Parlement (13 high courts of France) -Checks and balances -Separation of powers
What did Kant say?
Enlightenment will spread with the freedom of press
Frederick the Great is Enlightened
How did Kings and Queens show their Enlightenment?
By reforming for the better of the people
Religious tolerance
More freedoms
How did Frederick the Great (II) show his enlightenment?
Religious and philosophical tolerance (except Jews) Improve schools Let scholars publish Legal system -simpler laws -abolish torture -impartial judges -hard-work and honesty -reconstruct agriculture and industry -extend privileges to junkers
How did Frederick the Great gain position of parts of the Austrian empire?
7 Years’ War (1756-1763)
-Fred invades and conquers Austria, Silesia (doubles population)
-Austria ally with Russia and France- want to conquer Prussia and divide
Saved when Peter III pulls out
What was Frederick the Great’s relationship with the Jews?
Not free
Conflicting beliefs
Not equal
How did Catherine the Great show Enlightenment?
- Sophistication to Russia
- architecture, sculptors, writers, musicians, and intellectuals
- modern art
- friends with Voltaire
- money for Encyclopedia
- Westernize thought
- friendship with philosophes - Domestic reforms
- restrict torture
- limited religious tolerance
- education
- new law codes to strengthen local governments - Nobles free from tax
- Expansion
- Expand into the Ottoman Turks- balance of power concern
- Partition of Poland- Austria, Prussia, and Russia
- Crimean tartars (Mongols)
How was Empress Maria Theresa an absolutist?
- Limit papacy political influence
- Administrative reform
- strengthen central bureaucracy
- smooth provincial differences
- tax nobles - Agricultural population increase
- slowly reduce serfdom
- lower lord’s power over serfs
- serfs work better for self
- bring in German farmers from Volga river
How was Joseph II enlightened?
Austria Control church closely COMPLETE religious tolerance Abolish serfdom -cash payment hurt economy -nobles mad and revolt
How did Louis XV continue absolutism?
- Enlightened
- Tax on all people
- whoever he wanted
- dissolve parliament to get his way
What are Parlements?
France 13 judicial courts of France Generally nobles Positions- hereditary private property Kings decrees evaluated Check on the King's power
What was the impact of the War of the Austrian Succession?
Austria- lose Silesia (Maria Theresa)
Prussia- Gain Silesia (Fred the Great)
Russia- not involved
France- tried to get land from Austria, but did nothing but create large amounts of debt from fighting (Louis XV)
How did Louis XV compensate for the lack of money?
5% tax on everyone
Parlement says no
Dissolved- gets tax
What was a salon?
Women’s social gatherings of great people in their private drawing rooms
Free from censorship
Form public opinion, debate issues
Unite economic, intellectual, and social elites
Philosophes, nobility, and middle class influence each other