Chapter 17: Self-Care and Recovery Flashcards
A systematic physiological and psychological process in which the body and brain require replenishment and rejuvenation in order to prepare for the next training or competition.
Aspect of recovery that focuses on improving daily sleep amount and quality, limiting stress, and increasing physical and psychological relaxation.
Aspect of recovery that focuses on nutrition and hydration habits prior to, during, and after activity.
Aspect of recovery that focuses on movement-based self-care strategies to optimize movement quality and minimize compensation.
Occupational wellness
Occupational wellness focuses on a person’s work and their attitude toward it.
Physical wellness
The benefits of physical wellness have been well-documented and include nutritional, hydrational, and physical activity components.
Social wellness
Those who commit to not only improving their own social welfare but the welfare of those around them will find an environment built on trust and harmony.
Intellectual wellness
Individuals who consistently challenge their own beliefs, are open to new ideas, encourage creative thinking, and who are strategic in problem-solving and planning are less likely to report stress and conflict.
Spiritual wellness
Those who consistently question their own existence, values, and beliefs while at the same time are tolerant and open to other individuals’ spiritual beliefs have a deep appreciation for the universe.
Emotional wellness
Emotional wellness is the ability to identify and accept feelings and emotions.
Pre-Contemplation stage
People do not know that they have a problem or that a new behavior is needed.
Contemplation stage
People understand that there is an issue that needs to be addressed and that the current behavioral path is detrimental to goals or health.
Preparation stage
Research and planning on lifestyle change is taking place.
Action stage
Behaviors are being executed to reverse the problem.
Maintenance stage
Consistent action is taking place for improved condition or lifestyle.
Termination stage
An undesirable status is no longer a temptation and counter behavior has taken hold.