Chapter 17 & 18 Flashcards
Preventing Substance Abuse
Levels of prevention
1) Primary (young people before they have drug experience aka what DARE was)
2) Secondary (older people with some drug experience - college programs-)
3) Tertiary (They are being treated after drug abuse -AA-)
What are some treatment programs
- AA
- Medical treatments
- Behavioral treatment
when did alcoholics anonymous start
what was AA’s goal
total abstinence and not controlled drinking
Medical treatments include:
- detoxification with medical help
- treatment for food and vitamin deficiencies
- after care(after they are released how to they maintain)
What are some examples of aftercare treatment for struggling drug people
how does disulfiram impact the methods of acts of ethanol
when acetaldehyde goes up, the aldehyde enzyme is blocked by disulfiram.
What are examples of behavioral treatment
- Aversion therapies (shocks related to alcohol)
- Teaching coping skills (recognizing risk situations and getting out of them).
Controlled drinking controversy
cant they just learn to drink normal amounts
Arguments against abstinence
1) Some drinkers don’t like AA rule
2) most people drink so abstinence is abnormal
3) is a drinker cant quit with AA why not try to just control drinking
what is a medical treatment for narcotic addiction
how does naloxone work
it is a total antagonist so it causes rapid withdrawal, but it is short acting so you need to use it 2-3 treatments a day.
what is naltrexoneis
longer acting than naloxone (3 treatments per weel)
therapeutic communities
person took a bunch of druggies to a community and got them clean; they didn’t leave because they liked it there and didn’t want to relapse in their old environment.
Therapeutic community duration of residence and outcome
The longer you are in the better you do.
Naloxone treatment, how does it work?
a good antagonist so it causes rapid withdrawal from narcotics.
how have we tries to treat narcotic addiction?
1) Naloxone treatment
2) Heroin Maintenance
3)methadone maintenance
4) outpatient programs
5) Narcotics farmers
what is wrong with heroin maintenance
creates illegal market
Methadone maintenance
maintaining their narcotic addiction with a slower acting, longer acting methadone drug.
outpatient programs
“crisis centers” where they would admit people while the drug wears off.
Narcotics farmers
prisons disguised as treatment centers
Court ordered treatment versus voluntary treatment
court ordered treatment is better short term, but it’s about the same long term.
cocaine treatment is
1) cocaine anonymous
2) residential programs
what was Synanon
It was a residential program where they took addicts and took them to the desert too get sober and they ended up starting a business and getting rich
online versus face-to-face therapy
there is evidence that online treatment works.
Is there a difference in outcomes between different “anonymous” groups?
No, the outcomes are basically the same.
three broad conclusions of the course:
1) drug taking is a behavior
2) drug use is a part of our society
3) the drug problem isn’t a war, there will always be a “drug problem”
each use on a drug is different and can cause different effect based on:
- dose
- the users attitude toward the drug
- social setting
- feelings about its illicitness
- physiological effects
problems with the news stories on drugs
The “estimated street value” is often much lower than they estimate and the money is spread across multiple people. we only catch like 10% of imported illegal drugs.
three ways of defining “dangerous”
1) toxicity (Lethal dose is higher for some drugs than others)
2) how people use the drugs (ex aspirin is reasonably safe unless you are two years old and get a whole bottle, or injecting drug because of shared needles, and alcohol and marijuana are safe unless you are behind a wheel).
legal and illegal is not the same as safe and dangerous.
What is the action of Antabuse (disulfiram) ?
In alcohol distribution Antabuse blocks aldehyde dehydrogenase.
in drug studies what is better, longitudinal or cross sectional?
longitudinal studies