Chapter 16 Flashcards
Performance-Enhancing Drugs
What does Erogenic mean?
A drug that produces energy.
What are the ergogenic substances people use for performance enhancing?
- Amphetamine
- Caffeine
- Cocaine
- Strychnine (a CNS stimulant at a low doses)
What does Amphetamine history in sports look like?
- use on horses (where it started)
- use on people
- use during training not games
- tour de france rider died on tv from overdose.
What started testing and bans on use?
When a tour de France rider dies on TV from an overdose on Amphetamine.
What are the problems with testing in sports?
- can not test all athletes for all drugs.
- what about marijuana legal states.
What does prevalence look like in athletes?
3.5% of high school seniors
Very low amount of athletes actually using, it is seen that athletes using steroids most often are using a little of everything (they just take drugs in general).
Testosterone in steroids has what two effects?
- Androgenic
- Anabolic
what is the testosterone effect in steroids: Androgenic?
Secondary sexual characteristics.
what is the testosterone effect in steroids:
- Builds tissues
- Increases protein synthesis so :
- increase bone density
- increase muscle
- different body fat deposition.
what percent of seniors in high school are using steroids?
why does Dr.Havens think that steroids use has gone down?
because of how we ask about them.
what are the steps of steroid mechanism of action?
1) Steroids are very lipid soluble and enters the brain.
2) Steroid goes to the cytolasmic receptors.
3) Translocate to the nucleus.
4) Then alters DNA transcription.
5) Then protein synthesis occurs (new protein created) MUSCLES :)
what are the adverse effects of testosterone?
- Cardiovascular function decreases
- testicular atrophy (lil penis)
- Sterility (cant have kiddos)
- Liver damage
- Gynecomastia (men get breasts)
- Bone growth decreases (especially in users less than 20 years old).
- Amenorrhea (no period).
1976 German gymnastics story
- they looked premenstrual
- They were given antiestrogens (keep puberty at bay).
Do steroids actually work?
Adding steroids are probably just having bad effects on the liver and the heart.
Vasodilators and growth hormones?
similar issues to steroids
Cognitive enhancers are what kind of agonists?
Acetylcholine and norepinephrine
what are three drugs that are cognitive enhancers?
- Ritalin
- Provigil
- Exelon
what was the study of Alzheimer’s patients
the control group being high school seniors found them to get higher SAT scores.
International Olympic Committee?
They have to be very specific because of the different countries laws and cultures.