Chapter 16- Pyschological Disorders Flashcards
Major depression
A mood disorder involving disturbances in emotions, behavior, cognitions, and body functions
Milder but chronic type of depression, where a person’s moods are regularly low, but not as severest major depression
An abnormally high state of exhilaration.
Bipolar disorder
A mood in which episodes of depression and mania occur.
Paranoid personality
A disorder characterized by unreasonable, excessive, suspicious and mistrust and irrational feeling of being persecuted by others
Narcissistic personality
A disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and self-absorb
Borderline personality
A disorder characterized by intense but unstable relationships, fear of abandonment, an unrealistic self-image and emotional volatility
A personality disorder characterized by a lack of remorse empathy, anxiety, and other social emotions; the use of deceit and manipulation and impulsive thrill seeking behaviors.
Antisocial personality
A personality disorder character iced by a life long patter of irresponsible, antisocial behavior such as las breaking, violence, and other implosive reckless acts
Behavior inhibition
The ability to control responses to frustrate or stop a pleasurable action that might have negative repercussions
Dissociative disorders
Conditions in which conscience or identity is spilt or altered in response to a trauma. Symptoms are intense, long lasting, appear out of control
Inability to remember important personal information usually of traumatic nature.
Dissociative amnesia
Repression, when a person forgets selective info that is threatening
Dissociative fugue
When a person forgets their identity and leaves home and wanders
Dissociative identity disorder
A controversial disorder marked by the apparent appearance with in one person of two or more distinct personalities, each with its own name and traits formally known as MPD
A psychotic disorder marked by positive and negative symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, incoherent, inappropriate behavior) an negative behavior (emotionless and loss if motivation, flat effect)
An extreme mental disturbance involve distorted perceptions and irrational behaviors. It can have either psychological or organic causes
Catatonic schizophrenia
Marked by periods of statue like in mobility ( unresponsiveness, posturing)
Disorganized schizophrenia
Incoherence, vivid and frequent hallucinations, inappropriate emotions, socially impaired
Paranoid schizophrenia
Preoccupations with delusions or auditory hallucinations related to persecution. Grandeur or extreme jealousy
A personality disorder with a long standing pattern of detachment of social relationships leads to solitary lifestyle does not desire or enjoy relationships
Schizotypal personality
A non psychotic personality disorder involving difficulty maintaining relationships, behavior and thinking that is odd and e centric, social anxiety and lack of close friends. Unusual preoccupation or fears upset by their difficulties in forming relationships
Somatoform disorders
Involve physical complaints that are related to psychological factors not medical causes
Preoccupation with thought that the reason has a serious disease when they really don’t
Somatization disorder
Person has a large number of physical complaints that don’t have a medical explanation. Headaches dizziness, intense pain, vision changes
Conversation disorder
Loss or impairment of a motor sensory function with no medical explanation
A sexual disorder in which unusual objects or situations cause sexual arousal
Paraphilia in which as unusual object causes sexual excitement
Arousal by touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person in a public place
Person derives pleasure from looking at naked bodies while hidden from view
Gender identity disorder
Rejection of ones biological sex a d desire to become a member of the opposite sex
Dependent personality disorder
A chronic condition in which people depend on others to meet all of theory emotional needs (needy, passive, clingy, fear of separation)
Avoidance personality
A pervasive pattern of feeling very shy, inadequate and sensitive to rejection leading to the avoidance of others and social isolation
Histrionics personality
Tendency to over react and use excessive emotions to draw attention to themselves and manipulate others