Chapter 16 - Attitude & Altitude Flashcards
What is an explicit attitude?
a attitude that is openly stated
where one behaves in a way that reflects this attitude
What is an implicit attitude?
an involuntary, uncontrollable and sometimes unconscious attitude
Attitude specificity?
When the attitude measured is highly specific to the behavior
Information about the attitude is based on?
prior knowledge or experience
What is attitude situation?
where the situation determines the attitude
Cognitive Dissonance?
mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs
What are the 4 steps of Festinger & Carlsmith (1959) resolving dissonance theory?
- Change the thought - restores consistency
- Change the behaviour that relates to the inconsistency
- Add new thoughts that might negate the consequence of the inconsistency
- Trivialize the inconsistency
Why do we want to remove dissonance?
It is physically uncomfortable
Want to feel more comfortable
The Social identity theory (Henry Tajdfel 1970) states?
that a person’s sense of self based on the groups they belong to
What does a group provide?
pride, self-esteem, sense of belonging
Social Categorization
we sort people and objects so that we are able to understand and identify them
Social identification
we adopt the behaviour, attitudes and beliefs of the group we belong to.
Social Comparisons
we compare our in-group with other groups to affirm our identity
Attribution Theory (Fritz Heider 1958) explains?
why we do the things we do, and reasons for our behaviour
What are attributions?
inferences that we make about the cause of events, the behaviour of others or our own behaviour
(Internal) Dispositional attributions?
traits ability motivation attitude mood effort
(External) Situational attributions?
environmental setting
actions of another person
Which attributes are we more likely to describe someone’s behaviour with?
dispositional factors rather than situational ones
Actor-observer bias is?
The tendency to explain our actions by external factors and explain the actions of others by internal factors.
What is fundamental attribution error?
When we underestimate the situational factors and overestimate the dispositional factors in behaviour
What is prejudice?
reconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
What is bias?
an opinion or belief held about a thing or person
Self-Serving bias?
when you attribute your success to internal factors and your failures to external factors
Confirmation bias?
when you search for, recall, and interpret information to affirm your pre-existing beliefs