Chapter 16 Flashcards
inductive research
research that begins with the data and then generalizes or produces theoretical generalization from the data.
abductive research
research that attemts to buils theory from “suprises” in emperical data
deductive research
research that takes a “top-down”approach, where the theory or hypothesis drives the data-collection strategy and analysis
grounded theory
a systematic, inductive approach to qualitative research that suggest that reseachers schould extrapolate conceptual relationships froom data rather than formulate testable hypotheses from excisting theory.
extended case study approach
an approach to theory in qualitative research in wich the researcher starts with an establised theory and chooses a field site or case to improve upon or modify the existing theory
the process of protecting each respondent’s anonimity by suppressing or changing identifying data
interviewer effects
the possibility that the mere presence of an interviewer, or that the interviewer personal characteristics, may lead a respondent to answer questions in a particular way, potentially baising the responses
Coderen hoort bij kwalitatief onderzoek. Bij kwantitatief onderzoek wordt gebruik gemaakt van getallen en is coderen niet nodig.
Het proces begint met het open coderen of ook wel labellen van je data (teksten, foto’s, video’s, etc.). Hierbij leest of bekijkt de onderzoeker het materiaal aandachtig door en kent aan elk fragment dat relevant is een code toe.
labels or targets for chuncks of text
attribute codes
Achtergrond of demografische kenmerken.
index codes
Algemene, grote onderwerpen.
analitic codes
typology. Beschrijvingen specifieke stukken tekst.
code book
a system of organizing information about a data set, including the variable it contains the possible values for each variable, coding schemes, and decision rules
verbal/visual description of an argument
type of matrix used in qualitative research where the columns represent respondents and the rows represent domains and measures relevant to the research