Chapter 15: Peers and the Sociocultural World Flashcards
What happens to children who are rejected by their peers?
They tend to be lonely, hostile and have more likelihood of future mental health and criminal offences.
What do preschoolers value in their friendships?
Shared toys and activities
What do primary school children value in their friendships?
Shared experiences and fun
What do late childhood/adolescents value in their friendships?
Friend’s traits, trust, communication and intimacy
What areas do parents have more control over than peers?
Morality, religion, education
Are children with high emotionality more or less likely to have negative relationships with peers?
More likely
Children prefer same-sex playmates by what age?
3 years
Do boys or girls tend to associate in larger groups?
As children enter elementary, ____ becomes especially important in peer exchanges.
At 2 years, __% of time is spent in social interaction with peers. By mid-late childhood, __% of time is spent.
10%, 30%
What does Dodge argue about social processing?
Children go through 6 steps.
What is step 1 of Dodge’s theory?
Attending to social cues
What is step 2 of Dodge’s theory?
Attribute intent
What is step 3 of Dodge’s theory?
Generate goals
What is step 4 of Dodge’s theory?
Access behavioural scripts from memory
What is step 5 of Dodge’s theory?
Make decisions
What is step 6 of Dodge’s theory?
Enact behaviour
How many peer statuses do developmental researchers argue exist?
- Popular, average, neglected, rejected and controversial
Nearly / of middle school students report occasional or frequent involvement in bullying (either victim or perpetrator)
Nearly / of middle school students report occasional or frequent involvement in bullying (either victim or perpetrator)
__-__% of bullying takes place between individuals in the same classroom.
In a study where children were classified as bullies, bully-victims, victims or prosocial children, they differed in terms of their ____ ____ and ____ ____.
Perspective taking, moral motivation
What grades are the peak of conformity?
8th and 9th grade
What is a clique?
Small group of 2-12 people with members of same age and sex that engage in similar activities.
What is a crowd?
Larger than a clique, membership is based on reputation. They often do not spend much time together, and they are defined by the activities they engage in.
Companionship, stimulation, ego support, social comparison and affection/intimacy are examples of what?
Functions of friendship.
What do men expect in friendships?
Maintaining distance while exchanging large amounts of practical information. Spending time in shared activities.
What do women expect in friendships?
Good listening skills, sympathetic responses and time spent talking.
Why do women often seek out men as friends?
In hopes of receiving pragmatic, logical responses to emotional problems.
Who has been the most influential theorist of adolescent friendships?
Are friendships or family relationships better predictors of mental health in adults over 60?
What is the disengagement theory of aging?
In order to cope effectively, older adults should gradually withdraw from society.
What is the activity theory of aging?
When older adults are more active and involved, they are more likely to be satisfied with their lives. Research supports this theory.
What is ageism?
Prejudice against others because of their age. Often expressed through disrespect and assumptions of ailment/frailty.
Older adults report being __ (more/less) lonely than younger adults.
Activity, challenging cognitive activities, compensating for losses and maximizing self-efficacy and optimism are examples of what?
Factors associated with successful aging.
_____ is common across all cultures.
What are the positive and negative effects of television on development?
Positive: motivating education programs, increasing world knowledge beyond immediate environment, providing models of prosocial behaviour.
Negative: passive learning, distraction from homework, stereotypical views, violent models of aggression, unrealistic world views.
After what age does media become an effective educational tool?
3 years.
Canada has a child poverty rate of __%. United States has a rate of __%. Sweden has a rate of __%.
9%, 20%, 2%