Chapter 15- Medical Overview Flashcards
A virus that has crossed the animal/human barrier and infected humans and that kills thousands of people every year.
A common virus that is asymptomatic in 80% of people carrying it, but characterized by small blisters on the lips or genitals in symptomatic infections.
herpes simplex
An inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord; can be highly contagious.
meningococcal meningitis
The strength or ability of a pathogen to produce disease.
An inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord; it is usually caused by a virus or a bacterium.
Occurs when new cases of a disease in a human population substantially exceed the number expected based on recent experience.
An outbreak that occurred in a global scale.
A bacterium that can cause infections in different parts of the body and is often resistant to commonly used antibiotics; it is transmitted by different routes, including the respiratory route, and can be found on the skin, in surgical wounds, and in the bloodstream, lungs, and urinary tract.
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
A disease that can be spread from one person or species to another.
communicable disease
A medical condition caused by the growth and spread of small, harmful organisms within the body.
infectious disease
Emergencies that are not caused by an outside force; illnesses or conditions.
medical emergencies
Awareness that unseen life-threatening injuries may exist when determining the mechanism of injury.
index of suspicion
The general type of illness a patient is experiencing.
nature of illness
A chronic bacterial disease, caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, that usually affects the lungs but can also affect other organs such as the brain and kidneys; it is spread by cough and can lie dormant in a person’s lungs for decades and then reactivate.
Emergencies that are the result of physical forces applied to the body; injuries.
trauma emergencies