Chapter 15: Injuries to the Thigh, Leg and Knee Flashcards
Fibrocartilaginous structures within the knee joint for protection of the condyles.
Femoral Fracture
Fracture of the femur, which can be in several different areas of the bone.
Patellar Fracture
Fracture of the patella, which can be in several areas of the bone.
Dislocation to the Tibiofemoral Joint
complete seperation of the tibia & femur joint (knee joint); visible to the eye; medical emergency
Myositis Ossificans
The abnormal calcification or ossification of bone within the muscle tissue after an injury
Agonist Muscles
muscles that are considered the prime movers of a joint.
Antagonist Muscles
Muscles that counteract the action of the agonist muscles.
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)
Condition in which a fragement of cartilage and underlying bone are detached from the articular surface, also called joint mice.
Inflammation of a bursa
Patellar Subluxation/Dislocation
Patella moves partially (subluxation) or completely (dislocation) out of its groove with the femur.
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Epiphyseal inflammation of the tibial tubercule or apophysitis of the tibial tubercle
Jumper’s Knee
Irritation anywhere within the patellar tendon complex.
Q Angle
Angle made by a line from the anterior superior iliac spine and the center of the patella and a line from the center of the patella to the center of the tibia. Q angle is usually greater in females
Cause of the condtion is unknown
Abnormal softening of cartilage between the patella and the femur.
Pertaining to anatomy
Varioys internally secreted compounds formed in endocrine glands that affect the functions of specifically receptive organs or tissues. (Can play a role in ACL tears)
Having characteristics of both nervous and muscular tissue
The interaction of the nervous system with the mechanical activity that creates movement.
Neurocognitive Insufficiency
Slower reaction time and congnitive processing of the movement patterns.
Prophylatic Knee Brace
Braces used to prevent collateral ligament injuries or stablize the knee, usually for linemen in football.
functional knee brace
used after rehab after an injury while the athlete returns to sport
avascular necrosis
tissue death due to lack of blood flow