Chapter 15: Computer Security and Privacy Flashcards
Computer monitoring software
Software that can be used to record an individual’s computer usage, such as capturing images of the screen, recording the actual keystrokes used, or creating a summary of Web sites and programs accessed. (p617)
digital counterfeiting
The use of computers or other types of digital equipment to make illegal copies of currency, checks, collectibles, and other items. (p603)
disaster recovery plan
A written plan that describes the steps a company will take following the occurrence of a disaster. (p601)
e-mail filter
A tool that automatically sorts your incoming e-mail messages based on specific criteria. (p613)
electronic profiling
Using electronic means to collect a variety of in-depth information about an individual, such as name, address, income, and buying habits. (p609)
Employee monitoring
Observing or reviewing employees’ actions while they are on the job. (p621)
full disk encryption (FDE)
A technology that encrypts everything stored on a storage medium automatically, without any user interaction. (p595)
government databases
A collection of data about people that is collected and maintained by the government. (p608)
hardware theft
The theft of computer hardware. (p592)
information privacy
The rights of individuals and companies to control how information about them is collected and used. (p606)
Marketing databases
A collection of data about people that is stored in a large database and used for marketing purposes. (p607)
opt in
To request that you be included in marketing activities or that your information be shared with other companies. (p615)
opt out
To request that you be removed from marketing activities or that your information not be shared with other companies. (p614)
Presence technology
Technology that enables one computing device (such as a computer or mobile device) to locate and identify the current status of another device on the same network. (p622)
The state of being concealed or free from unauthorized intrusion. (p606)
privacy policy
A policy, commonly posted on a company’s Web site, that explains how personal information provided to that company will be used. (p609)
ruggedized devices
A device (such as a portable computer or mobile phone) that is designed to withstand much more physical abuse than its conventional counterpart. (p598)
self-encrypting hard drive
A hard drive that uses full disk encryption (FDE). (p595)
Software piracy
The unauthorized copying of a computer program. (p602)
Unsolicited, bulk e-mail sent over the Internet. (p610)
spam filters
An e-mail filter used to redirect spam from a user’s Inbox. (p613)
surge suppressor
A device that protects hardware from damage due to electrical fluctuations. (p598)
system failure
The complete malfunction of a computer system. (p592)
throw-away e-mail address
An e-mail address used only for nonessential purposes and activities that may result in spam; the address can be disposed of and replaced if spam becomes a problem. (p611)
uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
A device containing a built-in battery that provides continuous power to a computer and other connected components when the electricity goes out. (p598)
video surveillance
The use of video cameras to monitor activities of individuals, such as employees or individuals in public locations, for work-related or crime-prevention purposes. (p619)