Chapter 15 Flashcards
What did people begin to believe after the war?
They began to question traditional beliefs
Who gave us the Theory of Relativity?
Who studied how our minds work?
Who was Kafka?
Wrote The Trial and The Castle
Who gave us the style called stream of consciousness
What is existentialism?
no universal meaning to life, every person gives life meaning through the choices that we make
Who is Nietzsche?
believed that western society stifles your creativity, believed we should go back to older ways
Who are Kandinsky and Klee?
expressionist who used bold colors and exaggerated shapes
Who started cubism?
What was used in cubism?
sharp angles
What did surrealism try to do?
link dreams with the real world
Who is Stravinsky?
writer, wrote “Write of Spring”
Where was jazz?
Memphis, New Orleans, and Chicago
What was the difference in automobiles?
air began to fill the tires, electric starters, head lights, more powerful engines
Who is Lindbergh?
first American to fly across the Atlantic, his son was kidnapped and never found
Who is Earhart?
first woman to fly across Atlantic, disappeared trying to fly around the world
What was the difference between European movies and American movies?
European movies were documentaries and American movies were for entertainment
Who came out better after WWI?
U.S. and Japan
What happened to European democracies?
they struggled and coalitions were formed
Who got blamed for the Treaty of Versailles and WWI in Germany?
Weimar Republic
What is inflation?
blindly printing money
What is the Dawes Plan?
to save the economy, $200 million loans from U.S. banks to Germany
Who thought up the Dawes Plan?
American, Charles Dawes
Who was Stresemann?
German Foreign Minister
Who is Briand?
French Foreign Minister
What is the Stresemann-Briand Peace Pact?
French and Germany would never fight, allowing Germany to join the League of Nations
What is the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact?
never use war as an instrument of national policy, signed by almost everyone
Who was Kellogg?
U.S. Secretary of State
What were the flaws in the U.S.?
- uneven distribution of wealth, big gap b/w rich and poor
- overproduction
- buying less because of uneven distribution of wealth
What is buying on margin?
when you send a small amount of money to the broker to buy stock and the broker pays the difference
What happened in September 1929?
selling of stock by the wealthier stock holders began
What happened on October 24, 1929?
everyone else began selling
What happened on October 29, 1929?
the stock market crashed
What was the occurrence that happened between September to October 1929?
The Great Depression
What was the ripple effect of the Great Depression around the world?
drop of 65% of world wide trade
What was the effect of the Great Depression in Britain?
National Government, passed high protective tariff, and raised taxes on own people
What was the effect of the Great Depression in France?
popular front, mostly increased pay to workers and avoided political extremes
What was the effect of the Great Depression in the U.S.?
FDR came up with the New Deal plan
What was the New Deal Plan?
focused on big public works projects (building roads, or national parks, etc.)
What is fascism?
ultimately loyal to your country and obedient to your leader, ex.: Hitler and the Nazis
Who is Mussolini?
nickname Il Duce, Italian, day job of news editor, followers marched into Rome and demanded to put him on the throne
What was one of the first things Mussolini did when he was placed on the throne?
banned all other political parties except fascism, secret police force, censorship, outlawed strikes, and tried to be a totalitarian ruler but never succeed
Who was Hitler?
nickname der Fuhrer, he was Austrian, received iron cross, discharged from German army after war, came across Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), lead a coup but got caught and put in jail for 5 years, only served 9 months, wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggles) while he was in prison
Who were the Nazis?
small radical group
What was lebensraum?
living space, believed it belonged to the Aryans (Poland, parts of Russia down into Austria-Hungary)
When did the Nazis become popular?
the Great Depression
What did Hitler become?
Chancellor of Germany
What did do first?
called for new elections but the building where the voting was taking place was burned down by the Nazis but they blamed Parliament
What did Hitler do?
he banned all other political parties, two secret police forces (SS-elite, Gastapo), censorship, and dealt with the economy by building factories that made weapons
What happened to the youth of Hitler’s era?
they had to join youth groups, girls- League of German girls and boys- Hitler’s Youth
What was Kristallnacht?
means night of the broken glass, and it marked the change of violence
All of the countries in Europe fell to dictatorship except?
What happened to Japan during the Great Depression?
they attacked Manchuria, dropped League of Nations and attacked China
Who did Mussolini attack?
Who did Hitler attack?
the Rhineland
Who signed the Berlin Axis?
Hitler and Mussolini and later Japan
What were the people who signed the Berlin Axis called?
the Axis powers
Who is Franco?
fascist in Spain
What was America during all of this time?
What is the neutrality act?
not loan any money or sell weapons to countries that are at war
What did Hitler decided to attack now?
Sudetenland and formed the Third Reich
How did Czechoslovakia feel about Hitler attacking Sudetenland?
they went to the French and British to ask for help
Who was invited to the Munich Conference?
England, France, Germany, and Italy
Who was Chamberlain?
British Prime Minister who encouraged appeasement
What did the Munich Conference decide?
to give Sudetenland to Hitler
What happened on August 23, 1939?
Stalin and Hitler signed the nonaggression pact saying that the USSR and Germany would not fight