Chapter 14 Flashcards
What were pogroms?
organized groups against Jews
What did Alexander III do?
made official language Russian in Russia, had secret police force who killed anyone Alexander wanted dead
What did Nicholas II do?
outlawed labor unions
Who were the Mensheviks?
more moderate, broad base of popular support
Who are the Bolsheviks?
more radical, who wanted smaller more committed revolutionaries
What type of groups where the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks?
Who is Lenin?
the head of the Bolsheviks, he gained power and Nicholas II exiled him from Russia
What are the three events that proved Nicholas to be weak?
- Russo- Japanese War: Japan won over Russia
- Bloody Sunday- Jan 22. 1905, Duma: labor unions are bringing in petition into the winter palace, guards panic and shoot into the crowd and many are killed and wounded, when the Russian countries found out, little revolutions stated breaking out; Duma- decides to make a constitutional monarchy
- World War I: Nicholas left the palace to live on the front lines and left his wife Czarina Alexandra, Alexa (their son) was a hemophiliac and Rasputin was able to stop some of the symptoms so Alexandra started trusting him and Rasputin was shady, the other advisers poisoned his food-didn’t die, shot him on his way home-didn’t die, and finally was thrown in the river were he drown
What happened during the March Revolution?
Nicholas was forced to step down
What did the provisional government decided to do about fighting?
continue to fight
What are Soviets?
like city councils, began to gain control of cities, not elected, not official
What did Germany do to Russia to “help them out”?
transported Lenin back to Russia
Why did the Germans “help them out”?
because they knew by doing what they did the fighting would be over
What was Lenin’s slogan?
“Peace, Land, Bread”
What was the first thing that happened when the Bolsheviks to over?
they redistributed the land to the peasants
What did the Treaty of Brest do?
made people angry with giving up land
What caused the Russian Civil War?
people getting mad over the Treaty of Brest
Who was in the White Army?
Who was in the Red Army?
Bolsheviks, who won
What was the death tole in the Russian Civil War?
14-16 million
What was the name of Lenin’s new economic plan?
The New Economic Policy
What did Lenin’s new plan do?
allowed for small scale capitalism and Russia to start recovering
What is Russia’s new name?
Union of Soviet Socialist Republic-USSR
What happened to Russia under its new name?
broke Russia into small self governing republics to come together
What did the Bolsheviks become?
Communist Party
What were the two names that were rumored to succeed Lenin?
Trotsky and Stalin
Who won and took over?
What is totalitarianism?
total control over EVERYTHING
What are the five things that make up totalitarianism?
- police terror
- indoctrination
- propaganda
- censorship
- persecution, mainly Jews
What was indoctrination?
brain washing in schools to believe in the communist government
What was Stalin’s view on religion?
he wanted ZERO of it
What is the Great Purge?
lasted for 4 years, Stalin killed ANYONE who he thought would over throw him; death tole 8-13 million
What was wrong with the Five Years Plan?
it had extremely high quotas and Stalin wanted them to help catch up industrially
What are Collective Farms?
Government owned farms
Who are Kulaks?
wealthier peasants who fought against the system, the move cost between 5-10 million lives
What increased?
What happened to the daily life of women?
opportunities grew
Who was Sun Yixian?
the first leader of the Nationalist Party in China
What were the Three Principles of the People?
- Nationalism-an end to foreign control
- people’s rights-democracy
- people’s livelihood-economic security for all Chinese
Why did Yixian give up power?
he lacked authority and military support
Who did Yixian turn the presidency over to?
Yuan Shikai
Which side did China join in WWI? Why?
the Allies; because they were hoping for an Allied victory
Who was Mao Zedong?
an assistant librarian at Beijing University, among the founders of the Chinese Communist Party
Why did the Nationalists and Communist join together? What tore them apart?
to unite all of the revolutionary groups for common action; because Jiang turned on the Communist
Explain the Long March.
Jiang gathered a large army and surrounded the Communists’ mountain stronghold, the Communist leaders realized they were outnumbered so they fled on a 6,000 mile journey for about a year where they finally settled in caves in northwestern China and gained new followers
What were the Rowlatt Acts?
British laws that allowed the government to jail protesters without trial for as long as two years
What happened at Amritsar?
Hindus and Muslims joined together to protest the Rowlatt Acts at a huge festival in an enclosed square, they were going to fast, pray and listen to political speeches, the British however had recently banned public meetings and view the gathering as openly defying the ban, the British commander of Amritsar ordered his troops to open fire on the courtyard where nearly 400 Indians were killed and 1,200 wounded
What is Gandhi’s nickname and meaning of the name?
Mahatma, “great soul”
What is civil disobedience?
the deliberate and public refusal to obey an unjust law and nonviolence as the means to achieve independence
How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to weaken British authority?
he encouraged Indians to refuse to buy British goods, attend government schools, pay British taxes, vote in elections, and a boycott of British cloth
Describe the Salt March and the march on the salt plant that followed.
Gandhi organized a march to defy the hated Salt Acts, they marched 240 miles to a seacoast where they collected seawater and let it evaporate to get salt then when to a site where the government processed salt and they intended to shut it down, when they arrived they were met with police officers with steel clubs and the officers began to attack the marchers
What is the Government of India Act?
it provided local self-government and limited democratic elections, but not total independence
Who saved Turkey from the Greeks? What changes did he bring to Turkey?
Kemal; separated laws of Islam form laws of the nation,abolished religious courts and created a new legal system based on European law, granted women the right to vote and to hold public office, and launched government-funded programs to industrialize Turkey and to spur economic growth
Who took over Persia? What did he change the name of Persia to?
Pahlavi; Iran
How were Turkey, Persia, and Saudi Arabia similar? Different?
they all were taken over by new rulers; Turkey-went to European law, Persia-went to power still in the hands of the ruler, and Saudi Arabia- went with Islamic law