Chapter 15 Flashcards
God’s Kingdom is one of love and peace- everyone lives in _____.
Church teaching on social justice
Catholic Social Teaching
Kingdom calls us to align our _____ with _______.
our values with Jesus’ values
7th Commandment
You shall not steal
10th Commandment
you shall not covet your neighbor’s goods
Values should give ______ to your life- form them according to Jesus’ example
values are ____ chosen
give good ______ to others
_____, not things, come first in God’s Kingdom
respect others’ ____ to own property
don’t ____ or ____
steal or cheat
___ for and _____ the world
care for and respect
Work ______.
Avoid _____ and ______.
envy and greed
Make out of love to God and people
freely made
do what is right whether or not anyone sees you doing it
Requirements for Making Good Moral Decisions
Sins against the 7th and 10th Commandments:
social sin
- feeling deprived or sad because of another’s belongings or success
- competition is healthy when it motivates you to do your best- unhealthy when it motivates you to look for others’ faults and to put others down
stolen good must be returned if one wants forgiveness for this sin
- evil situations that harm people and are opposed to the will of Christ
- goods of the earth belong to all
- all of us must promote justice and respect for all people of the world
- examine your own attitude- are you fair to all?
- examples of this sin: slavery, discrimination, unfair employment practices, poverty of some people within wealthy nations
social sin
desire to possess and control things
root of most wars
paying for or repairing damage to property- need to be forgiven
8th Commandment
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
Followers of Christ value ____.
Sins against the 8th Commandment:
Saying what is not true with the intention of deceiving
Breaks down trust
Can hurt others by spreading gossip
Being a truthful person shows ____ __ ____, _____ ____, and ____.
strength of character, unselfish love, and peace
Why do people lie?
Fear- person is afraid that others won’t like him if he doesn’t show himself to be “better” than he is
To be #1- need to impress others, lie to “win”, be popular, get good grades, or get out of work or trouble
____ is sometimes necessary- when someone tells you a secret, it is a way of saying I trust you.
You should be silent when you are tempted to spread _____.
Keep family secrets within the ____.
_____, lawyers, _____, secretaries, and other professional people must keep _____.
Priests, lawyers, doctors, secretaries, and other professional people must keep information about their work private
if you come across a secret inadvertently, you just keep it to yourself
natural secret
if you give your word to keep a confidence you are obliged to keep your word
proved secret
people in official positions keep secrets because of their profession
official secret
Silence is not always good- it can be a ___.
Silence is a lie:
if you let people think what is untrue
if telling the truth would clear someone’s name
if you do something wrong and don’t admit it