Chapter 14 SQ and Chapter Review Flashcards
A small group of dwellings in an isolated area
initiation rites
Involve multiple step processes
A strong tribal leader
Strong identification with a tribe that speaks the same language
The worship of the souls of animals rivers trees and other objects
Brought radical changes to life in sub Saharan Africa
Have no limit to their authority.
yellow fever
An infectious tropical disease spread by Mosquitos
A highly infectious disease spread by the anopheles mosquito and common in wet tropical countries
One of the most distinct peoples of Africa
A large bay formed by a long curving coast
tsetsy fly
Spreads African sleeping sickness
Slave Coast
Many slave ships operated there
Benin Kingdom
One of the greatest kingdoms of Western Africa
Mobutu Sese Seko
Military leader in the democratic republic of the Congo
What 4 european languages are national language in West and Central Africa?
French, Spanish, English, and Krio
Name 4 tropical diseases that plague Africa
Yellow fever, malaria, sleeping sickness, idk
Why was exploring sub-Saharan Africa difficult?
Why is Cote d’Ivoire one of the most developed nations?
Many years of stability and ties with France
What 3 tribal groups dominate Nigeria?
The Hausa the Yoruba and the Lagos
What are perhaps the greatest problems facing the establishment and growth of free government on western and central Africa?
Corruption and self advancing rulers
Why would the democratic republic of the Congo keep French as the national language?
It was widely spoken.
Which two nations were settled by freed slaves?
Sierra Leone and Liberia
Define terms
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What is the most important concept that underlies most I African society?
The village
What are the three largest tribal groups in Nigeria?
The Hausa the Yoruba, and the Ibo.
Chapter Review
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SQ - answer highlighted questions
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List four culture traits that distinguish sub- Saharan Africa
Blacks and whites. Slash burning agriculture. Villages.
Where was Marxism common on the west coast?
Guinea Bissau