Chapter 11 SQ and Chapter Review Flashcards
What 2 factors make Mesa Central the most populous part of Mexico?
There is enough rain to grow crops and the temperature is mild
Name 3 empires that have dominated the Mesa Central
A mysterious early people, the toltecs, and the Aztecs
What are people of mixed European and Indian ancestry called?
List 2 ways the federal government of Mexico is different from that of the US?
They have a bicameral legislature, and they distribute land
List the times American soldiers have intervened in Mexican history.
In the years 1835-36 and 1846-48.
What geographic features does northern Mexico share with the US?
The Sonoran desert, the Rio Grande, and the Sierra Madre.
What countries are members of NAFTA?
US Mexico and Canada
Which nation was the heart of the Mayan Empire?
How is Belize different from other CA nations?
It was settled be the British
What 3 island groups form the West Indies?
The Bahamas, the Greater Antilles, and the lesser antilles.
What 2 island chains form the east boundary of the Caribbean Sea?
The Lesser Antilles and leeward Islands
What are 5 altitude zones in Latin American?
The Tierra caliente, the Tierra templada, the Tierra fria, the paramo, and the Tierra helada.
What is the hacienda economy like?
There are vast ranches. The owners are rich and the workers are poor
Name the 2 large peninsulas of Mexico
The Yucatan and baja peninsula
What religion is prominent in Latin America?
Roman Catholicism
Which Middle American countries have had a Communist government?
Nicaragua and Cuba
land bridge
A strip of land between two continents
saguaro cacti
A large cacti that grows in the Sonoran desert
altitude zone
A certain altitude
A mysterious early people that built the first city in middle America
An ancient people who lived in Mexico
A vast ranch in Mexico
The sudden illegal overthrow of the government
A people made of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry
A narrow land bridge
plantation economy
An economy based on large scale agricultural operations that employ and house many workers and produce one product
People with African and European ancestry
Councils of military leaders
A communist group in Nicaragua
A group that opposed the Sandinistas
Contains the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic
A mixture of west Africa spirit worship, black magic, and Roman Catholicism
The property of a nation
SQ 290
Chapter Review
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