Chapter 14: Phycological Disorders Flashcards
Explain why the DSM has become a more credible diagnostic tool over the course of revisions to each edition
DSM, last revised in 2013, gives info on prevalence, causes, and expected outcomes
1. Reinforces the disease model
2. Everyday problems become mental problems
3. Overly responsive to political issues
4. Power of the label (everything we do becomes a reflection of our disorder, Rosenhan Study (faked schizophrenia)
Identify the fundamental ideas behind the medical model, the biopsychosocial perspective, and the diathesis–stress model.
Medical Model: mental problems stem from biological problems
Biopsychosocial: combination of biological, psychological, and social factors combine to cause disorders
Diathesis-Stress Model: you are born with a predisposition to a disorder that will remain unexpressed until triggered by stimulus
Relate how the RDoC expands on the DSM.
Research Domain Criteria Project: guide classification and understanding of mental disorder by revealing basics processes that cause them
emphasis on symptoms rather than disorders
shift to understanding underlaying processes
Explain the negative consequences of labeling someone with a disorder
When you label someone with a disorder, all of their actions become associated with that disorder, they can feel that they are defined by their disorder and treated the same way
Explain the major symptoms of anxiety disorders, including phobias, panic disorder, and GAD.
- Jittery
- Upset Stomach
- Problems Sleeping
- Problems Concentrating
Describe factors that contribute to phobias, panic disorder, and GAD
More common in Women
- evolutionary: we are predisposed to fear things that were dangerous in history
-psychodynamic: displaced anxiety
-behavioral: phobias are learned (feal is classically conditioned and maintained by relief we feel from escaping)
-cognitive: exaggerated beliefs about harm
-biological: brain activation on right side is higher, genetic
-cognitive: misattributed bodily sensations (overly sensitive to changes in body)
- genetic components
Describe the symptoms and potential causes of OCD
persistent thoughts or actions, no gender differences, obsession = thoughts, compulsion = behavior to reduce anxiety
causes: high brain activity in habitual behavior circuits
Describe the symptoms and potential causes of PTSD
4 Symptom Clusters:
1. Intrusion
2. Avoidance
3. Negative Alterations in thought and mood
4. Increased emotional reactivity
biological factors:
- genetic (twins)
- epigenetic changes
- overly active fight or flight
- differences in the size of the hippocampus
(small hippocampus = risk, stress can shrink the size of the hippocampus)
psychological factors:
- prior trauma increase likelihood of future trauma
- coping style impact (optimistic = less likely)
-supportive community will reduce chances (Vietnam)
Describe the symptoms of mood disorders, including depressive and bipolar disorders
- depressed mood
- loss of interest, energy, motivation
- disturbances in sleep, eating, weight, concentration
- feeling of guilt, worthlessness, suicide attempts
- Mania (elevated, expansive, irritable mood, hyper activity, decreased need for sleep, grandiosity, racing thoughts, pressured speech, reckless)
-depressive symptoms are the same
Identify biological, genetic, and environmental factors that may influence mood disorders.
More common in women
- genetics (twins are more likely)
- neurotransmitters ( depression = increase serotonin and decreases NE, Manis = decreased serotonin and increased NE)
- decreased brain function in left frontal lobe
- social reinforcement (social interaction do not give reinforce to behaviors of depressed people)
-Learned Helplessness (internal (them), global (all encompassing), stable( will not change))
-Cognitive Triad: negative view of self world and others
Compare the negative, positive, and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia
Negative: loss of interest, emotional responding, poverty of speech, social withdrawal
Positive: hallucinations (auditory normally, delusions (impossible beliefs), incoherent speech (tangential speech)
Describe the biological factors contributing to schizophrenia
- Abnormalities in brain function + structure
- Larger Ventricles in brains = less tissue
- Smaller brain volume of amygdala and hippocampus (related to negative symptoms)
- Decreased frontal lobe activity
- Abnormalities in Dopamine
- dopamine hypothesis: schizophrenia is due to excess dopamine in brain, wrong
- revised dopamine hypothesis: area with increased dopamine = positive symptoms, area with decreased dopamine= negative symptoms - Risk if born in December months (second trimester during flu season)
- Older father increase risk (more genetic mutations)
Explain the evidence for the influence of environmental factors
Define personality disorders
thinking, feeling, or relating to others or controlling impulses that deviate from cultural expectations and cause distress or impaired functioning
Explain the diagnostic signs of antisocial personality disorder
disregard for and violation of the rights of others that begins in childhood and continues to adulthood