Chapter 1.4 Measurement in Scientific Study Flashcards
SI Units
universally accepted exat system of measurement
General Features of SI Units
SI System is based on 7 fundamental (base) units
All other units are Derived Units
Derived Units
combinations of the 7 base units ex. speed
Mass (Physical Quantity)
Kilogram (kg) (Unit Name)
Length (Physical Quantity)
Meter (m) (Unit Name)
Time (Physical Quantity)
Second (s) (Unit Name)
Temperature (Physical Quantity)
Kelvin (K) (Unit Name)
Electric Current (Physical Quantity)
Ampere (A) (Unit Name)
Amount of Substance (Physical Quantity)
mole (mol) (Unit Name)
Luminous Intensity (Physical Quantity)
candela (cd) (Unit Name)
Deci Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
d, tenth, 0.1, 1x10^-1
Centi Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
c, hundredth, 0.01, 1x10^-2
Milli Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
m, thousandth, 0.001, 1x10^-3
Micro Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
µ, millionth, 0.000001, 1x10^-6
Nano Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
n, billionth, 0.000000001, 1x10^-9
Pico Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
p, trillionth, 0.000000000001, 1x10^-12
Femto Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
f, quadrillionth, 0.000000000000001, 1x10^-15
One Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
one, 1, 1x10^0
Tera Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
T, trillion, (1,000,000,000), 1x10^12
Gigi Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
G, billion, (1,000,000,000), 1x10^9
Mega Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
M, million, (1,000,000), 1x10^6
Kilo Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
k, thousand, (1,000), 1x10^3
Hecto Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
h, hundred, 100, 1x10^2
Deka Prefix, Symbol, Word, Conventional Notation, Exponential Notation:
da, ten, 10, 1x10^1
1 Kilometer (km)
1000 (10^3) meters
.6124 miles (mi)
*(1 mi = 1.609 km)
1 meter (m)
100 (10^2) cm 1000 mm 1.094 yd 39.37 in *(1 ft = 0.3048)
1 centimeter (cm)
0.10 (10^-2) m
0.3927 in
1 in = 2.54 cm
1 Cubic meter (m³)
1,000,000 (10⁶) cm³
- 21 ft³
* (1 ft³ = 0.02832m³)
1 Cubic decimeter (dm³)
1000 cm³
- 2542 gal
- 057 quarts (q)
* 1 gal = 3.785 dm³
* 1 q = 946.4 cm³
1 Cubic centimeter (cm³)
0.001 dm³
0.03321 fluid oz.
1 fluid oz = 29.57cm³
1 kilogram (kg)
1000 grams
2.205 lbs
1 grams (g)
1000 milligrams (mg)
- D = Mass/Volume
- Mass = Volume x Density
- Volume = Mass x (1/Density)
Kelvin: Unit, Freezing Point, Boiling Point, Temperature @ Absolute Zero
K, 273.15K, 313.13K, 0K
°C to Kelvin
Temp(in K) = Temp(in °C) + 273.15
Celsius: Unit, Freezing Point, Boiling Point, Temperature @ Absolute Zero
°C, 0°C, 100°C, -273.15°C
Fahrenheit: Unit, Freezing Point, Boiling Point, Temperature @ Absolute Zero
°F, 32°F, 212°F, -459.67°F
Kelvin to °C
Temp(in °C) = Temp (in K) - 273.15
°C to °F
Temp(in °F) = (9/5) Temp(in °C) + 32
°F to °C
Temp (°C) = [Temp(in °F) - 32] (5/9)
dependent on the amount of substance there is
independent of the amount of substance