Chapter 14: Budgeting Flashcards
The level of funding that would be required to maintain all services at the current authorize levels, including adjustments for inflation and salary increases
Base budget
What are the top three local tax revenue sources
- General sales and gross receipt taxes
- Property taxes
- Individual income taxes
The five options (in increasing order of difficulty) to lower revenue options
- Defer scheduled expenditures
- Privatize or contract out services
- Regionalize or consolidate services
- Reduce the workforce
- Reduce the size of the department
Type of purchasing process where the exact amount of the purchase is not known
What is the first of six steps in the budget cycle
Identification of needs and required resources
In RFP The fire department gives ____ and allows the vendor to determine how it will meet the need
General information about what is desired
RFP are typically assessed based on?
Performance as well as price
USFA 4 step method to develop a competitive grant proposal
- Conduct a community in fire department needs assessment
- Compare community needs to the priorities of the grant program
- Decide what to apply for
- Complete the application
The assistance to firefighters grant program applications are evaluated by
A peer based committee
When seeking grant funding, the first step is to
Determine whether a grant program exists that covers your problem area
The first two numbers of a line item budget identify what
The fund
The second part (5 digit #) of a line item budget identifies what
The department and the division where the money is being spent. Also known as the object code
The third part (6 digit #) of a line item budget identifies what
Detailed description of what the money is being used for also known as the subobject code
Fringe benefits: life insurance, pension fund contributions, Worker’s Compensation
Personnel Expenditures
More than 90% of FD budget
Uniforms (including replacement) PPE Telephone charges Electricity for fire stations Flashlight batteries Fire apparatus maintenance Toilet paper Employee training Mandated training (including OT cost to replace person in training)
Operating Expenditures
Usually the first area to be considered when cutting cost
The cost of operating a vehicle is calculated on a ___ basis that includes fuel, schedule maintenance, and anticipated repairs
Per mile basis
Replacement of pumper is what type of expenditure?
Capital item
Part of operating expenditures, is a per mile vehicle replacement fee applied to automobiles. This amount is calculated by
Estimating the anticipated replacement cost
The projected number of years that the vehicle will be used
____ expenditures comprise purchases of durable items that cost more than a predetermined amount and will last for MORE THAN ONE budget year
Capital Expenditures
Computers Hydraulic rescue tools Washing machines SCBA Sedans, pick-up trucks, SUVs Replacement vehicles Heavy fire apparatus
Capital Expenditures
New fire station construction and major renovations are funded through
Bond programs
The authorization to sell bonds is usually valid over a period of how many years
5 to 10 years
Bonds are repaid over a period of how many years
10 to 30 years