Chapter 14 Flashcards
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Focused on studying human thought processes and recreating them with machines like computers
Strong AI
Hypothetical AI that matches or exceeds human intelligence and can perform any intellectual task that humans can
Weak AI (Narrow AI)
AI that performs a specific function, previously requiring human intelligence, and does so at human levels or better
A set of clear steps to solve a problem or complete a task.
Machine Learning (ML)
A type of artificial intelligence that allows systems to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed
Supervised Learning
Giving the system data and expected outcome results
When a computer learns to put things into groups based on their information
Supervised Learning Classifications
Binary Classification
Multi-Class Classification
Multi-Label Classification
Imbalanced Classification
Binary Classification
Only two possible groups for the data
Multi-Class Classification
More than two groups for the data
Multi-Label Classification
Each example can belong to more than one group at the same time
Imbalanced Classification
Some groups (classes) have way more examples than others
Semi-Supervised Learning
Giving small amounts of labelled data and large amount of unlabelled data
Unsupervised Learning
Computer finds patterns in data on its own without labels or much help
Reinforcement Learning
System learns to achieve a goal in an uncertain and complex environment