Chapter 14 Flashcards
Social psychology
Scientific study of how peoples thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others
Changing attitudes
Evaluations of a person, behavior, belief,or concept
Central route processing
Occurs when a persuasive message is evaluated by thoughtful consideration of the issues and arguments used to persuade
Peripheral route processing
Occurs when a persuasive message is evaluated on the basis of irrelevant or extraneous factors
Cognitive dissonance
The mental conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts
Festinger’s (1957) classic cognitive dissonance study: the boring task
explains how people are motivated to change their behaviors when they experience conflict between their thoughts or actions
Social cognition
The cognitive process by which people understand and make sense of others and themselves
Sets of cognitions about people and social experiences
Impression formation
Process by which an individual organizes information about another person to form an overall impression of that person
Central traits
Major traits considered in forming impressions of others
Attribution processes
Understanding the causes of behavior
Attribution theory
Considers how we decide, what the specific causes of that behavior are
Situational causes of behavior
Causes of behavior that are external to a person
Dispositional causes of behavior
Causes of behavior brought about by a person’s traits or personality characteristics