Chapter 10 Flashcards
Psychoanalytic theory
Unconscious forces act as determinants of personality
Sigmund Freud
Psychodynamic approach
Assume that personality is primarily
- Sole purpose is to reduce tension created by primitive drives related to hunger, sex, aggression, and irrational impulses
Part of the personality that provides a buffer between the id and the
realities of the objective, outside world
Super Ego
Personality structure that harshly judges the morality of our behavior
Psychosexual stages
Developmental periods that children pass through during
which they encounter conflicts between the demands of society and their own
sexual urges
Concerns or conflicts that persist beyond the developmental period in
which they first occur
Oedipal conflict
Child’s sexual interest in his or her opposite-sex parent,
typically resolved through identification with the same-sex parent
Process of wanting to be like another person
Behavioral perspective
B.F. Skinner - Personality is a collection of learned behavior patterns
Humanistic Approach
Emphasizes the people’s need for goodness and the desire to achieve higher levels of functioning
Trait theory
Model of personality that seeks to identify the basic traits necessary to describe personality
Part of the personality that contains the memories, knowledge, beliefs, feelings, urges, drives, and instincts of which the individual is not aware
Defense mechanisms
Unconscious strategies that people use to reduce anxiety by distorting reality and concealing the source of the anxiety from themselves
Jung’s Collective unconscious
Inherited set of ideas, feelings, images, and symbols that are shared with all humans because of our common ancestral past