Chapter 14 Flashcards
Refers to the general, enduring differences between people interms of behavior patterns, feeling and thinking
social sciences provide various approaches to studying personality. There are five appraoches
Psychoanalytic approaches
Trait theories
Phenomenological approaches
Social-psychological theories
behavioral approaches
Psychoanalytic approaches (social sciences provide various approaches to studying personality)
personality arises from a set of dynamic, unconscious internal struggles within the mind
Trait theories (social sciences provide various approaches to studying personality)
Personality is composed of a set of characteristics that describe the differentiate individuals
Phenomenological approaches (social sciences provide various approaches to studying personality)
Personality is largely shaped by an individuals interpretations of life events
social-psychological theories (social sciences provide various approaches to studying personality)
Individuals act in social situations to meet their needs
Behavioral approaches (social sciences provide various approaches to studying personality)
Differences in personality are more a function of how individuals have been rewarded or punished in the past
Is a tendency to be resistant to change or new ideas
Dogmatic, or closed-minded, consumers are relatively resistant to new products, new promotions etc
Need for uniqueness (NFU)
is the desire for a unique position and experiences through the purchase, use, and disposition of products and services
Need for cognition (NFC)
is a trait that describes how much people like to think. Those with a low need for cognition do not like to think and prefer to take shortcuts or to rely on their feelings
The degree to which consumers take a disciplined approach to short-term acquisitions and are resourceful in using products and services to achieve longer-term goals
the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness.
Are manifestations or actual patterns of behaviors. They are represented by activities, interest, and opinions (AIOs)
Lifestyles research can help marketers understand how a product fits into consumers general behavior patterns
Psychographics: combining values, personalities and lifestyles
one of the most widely known psychographictools is VALS, for merly known as values and lifestyles
VALS analyzes The behavior of US consumers to create segments based on two factors
Resources (including self-confidence, innovativeness, intellectualism, novelty seeking, impulsiveness, leadership, energy level and vanity)
Primary motivation (consumers motivated by ideals are guided by intellectual aspects rather than by feelings or other people opinions. Those who are motivated by achievement tend to buy goods and services that reflect their success for others to see. And those who are otivated by self-expression desire social or physical action, variety, activity and personal challenge
Another ongoing psychographic survey is The Futures companys MONITOR mindbase, a psychographic segmentation system with nine broad segments based on
Life stage data
Age etc