chapter 11 real Flashcards
Sources of incluence on consumer behavior
influence can come from marketing and nonmarketing sources and can be delivered via the mass media or personally
Marketing sources (social influences on consumer behavior)
deliver influence from a marketing agent, for example, advertising, personal selling etc.
Nonmarketing sources
Delivered influence from an entity outside a marketing organization for example friends family and the media
Mass media delivered marketing source
Sales promotions
Direct mail
Social media
Mass media delivered nonmarketing source
Program content
Social media
Virtual commmunitites
delivered personally marketing source
Service representatives
Customer service agents
Delivered personally nonmarketing source
Coworkers etc
Opinion leader
an individual who acts as an information broker between the mass media and the opinions and behaviors of an individual or group
A source that controls the flow of information
reference group
A set of people with whom individuals compare themselves for guidance in developing their own attitudes, knowledge, and/or behaviors
Types of reference grooups
aspirational reference groups
Associative reference groups
Dissociative reference groups
Aspirational reference groups
Are groups we admire and wish to be like but are not currently a member of
Associative reference groups
Are groups to which we currently belong
Dissociative reference groups
Are groups whose attitudes, values, and behaviors we disapprove of and do not wish to emulate
Characteristics of reference groups
Degree of contact: Primary (group with whome we have physical face-to-face interaction) or secondary (group with whom we do not have direct contact)
Homohily (the overall similarity among members of the social system)
Group attractiveness
Degree of identification
Tie-strength: the extent to which a close, intivate relatinoship connects people
normative influence affects
The tendency for an individual to behave as the group behaves