What education/NI should you provide to a patient experiencing N/V?
o Eat low fat, carbohydrate food ▪ Toast ▪ Crackers ▪ Pretzels o Avoid liquid with meals o Maintain good oral hygiene o Elevate head of bed o Avoid hot or spicy foods o Serve foods at room temperature of chilled (to decrease aroma) o Avoid high fat foods o Assess appearance of emesis (ex. pale = bile, coffee-grounds = bloody) o Clear liquids and advance as tolerated
What education/NI should you provide to a patient experiencing anorexia?
o Decrease unpleasant odors
o Encourage small frequent appetizing looking meals
o Avoid high fat food**
o Encourage liquid supplements in between meals
o Mouth care before and after meals
o Hold drinks 30 min before and after meals
o Decrease stress at meals
o Assess medications; give appetite-stimulating meds
o Assess and manage anxiety and depression
o ELMO w/ larger meals earlier in day
What education/NI should you provide to a patient experiencing constipation?
o Increase fiber (>5g fiber/serving) and fluid intake (64 oz/day)**
o Increase exercise
o Avoid chronic use of laxatives **
What education/NI should you provide to a patient experiencing anorexia nervosa and bulimia?
o Provide privileges based on calories consumer or weight gain***
o Weight patient at same time every day
o Stay with patient one hour after meals (make sure they do not throw up)
o Avoid caffeinated beverages
What is dumping syndrome?
When the stomach rapidly empties into the small intestine
What can dumping syndrome lead to?
- hypoglycemia
- iron deficient anemia
- steatorrhea
- osteomalacia
What are the s/sx of dumping syndrome?
▪ abdominal cramping ▪ nausea ▪ diarrhea ▪ diaphoresis ▪ tachycardia ▪ hypotension
What nutrition would you recommend for a patient experiencing dumping syndrome?
▪ Small frequent meals
▪ Protein and fat at each meal
▪ Avoid concentrated sugar* (juices are a NO)
▪ Avoid dairy products
▪ Not provide liquid with meals (consume liquid between meals)
▪ Encourage patient to lie down for 20-30 minutes after meals to delay gastric emptying
What education/NI should you provide to a patient experiencing GERD?
o Avoid tight fitting clothing
o Do not lie down for 2-3 hours after meals
o Avoid large meals (create higher risk of episode)
o Sleep on multiple pillows
What foods should be avoided when experiencing GERD?
▪ Citrus fruit or juice ▪ Spicy food ▪ Fatty foods ▪ Caffeine ▪ Chocolate ▪ Alcohol
What should be encouraged when experiencing GERD?
▪ Lose weight
▪ Stop smoking
What education/NI should you provide to a patient experiencing gastritis and peptic ulcer disease?
o Reduce stress
o Avoid use of NSAIDS
o Avoid smoking and alcohol
o Avoid small frequent meals*** FEWER BIGGER MEALS
▪ Increases gastric acid secretion
o Avoid black pepper, spicy food, caffeine (for acute gastritis have a bland diet and IVF if needed)
What should be encouraged when experiencing lactose intolerance?
o Avoid foods that contain lactose
▪ Milk, cheese, chocolate, dairy, pudding
o Tell them to take lactase enzyme with their food
o Monitor for vitamin D and Ca deficiency
What should patients with an ostomy be encouraged to increase their intake of?
o Fluid and soluble fiber intake**
o Increase protein and calorie intake to help heal their new stoma
▪ Wound healing→protein is super important
What should patients with an ostomy be encouraged to avoid?
o Avoid gas and odor producing foods ▪ Beans ▪ Carbonated drinks ▪ Eggs ▪ Fish ▪ Garlic o Avoid foods that can cause a stoma blockage ▪ Nuts ▪ Carrots ▪ Popcorn
Why should patients with ostomys prepare meals on a schedule?
to promote regular BMs
What kind of diet should patients experiencing Diverticulitis acute exacerbation be on?
▪ Clear liquid diet (low fiber intake)**
* After inflammation is reduced:
• High fiber, low fat diet (prevent with high fiber diet)*
What foods should patients experiencing Diverticulitis acute exacerbation avoid?
- seeds
- husk
- popcorn
- tomatoes
- berries
What kind of diet should patients experiencing IBS be on?
o Low residue diet
▪ Low fiber high protein and calorie**
o Increase intake of protein and calories**
o Oral replacement fluids may be needed bc of the chronic diarrhea
o TPN may be needed during acute phases of people with IBS and these patients should avoid nicotine (this can increase bowel motility and
this is NOT what we want to do)
What kind of diet should patients experiencing cholecystitis be on?
low fat diet
What kind of diet should patients experiencing pancreatitis be on?
o Low fat, high protein, high carbohydrate diet o Vitamin C and B-complex o Acute exacerbation: ▪ NPO right away o Prolonged exacerbation: ▪ May require TPN
What kind of diet should patients experiencing chronic pancreatitis be on?
▪ High calories snacks
▪ Taking enzyme preparations with meals to help with absorption**
What should patients with liver disease be encouraged to avoid?
o No alcohol
o No nicotine
o No caffeine
What should patients with liver disease be encouraged to take?
o Vitamin and mineral supplements may be needed (B, C and K)
o Increase protein and calories
What are the s/sx of celiac disease (inability to digest gluten)?
▪ Diarrhea
▪ Steatorrhea
▪ Anemia
▪ Abdominal pain
What recommendations should you give to a patient experiencing celiac disease (inability to digest gluten)?
▪ Avoiding foods that contain wheat, rye, barley
▪ Read labels on processed foods
• Gravy mixes
• Deli meat
• Cold cuts
• Soups
▪ Okay to eat anything that contains diary, rice, corn, potatoes, eggs, fruits, veggies
▪ Monitor for bleeding, anemia and osteoporosis
What education/NI should you provide to a patient who has went through bariatric surgery?
o Start each meal with a protein (60 g/day)
o 5 small meals a day
o Allow 30-60 minutes for the patient to eat
▪ Chew foods thoroughly and slowly
▪ Take their time
o Should not consume liquids with meals (in-between meals)
o Watch them carefully for symptoms of dumping syndrome
What education/NI should you provide to a patient experiencing diarrhea?
- Use short-term low fiber if diarrhea or malabsorption
- Assess F&E imbalances
- Liberal fluid intake