Chapter 13 Flashcards
UA (Routine Urinalysis)
- Most commonly requested urine test that screen for urinary and systematic disorders
- Includes physical, chemical and microscopic analysis
- use midstream collection to avoid contamination
Culture and Sensitivity (C&S) “clean catch urine”
- After 18-24 hours check for bacterial growth
- Identify any microorganisms that grow
- Requires midstream clean catch collection
Pregnancy test (both blood and urine)
Urine Pregnancy testing
Tests for HCG, a hormone appearing in urine after conception
Urine Drug Screening
‘Random’ Urine specimen
Collected at any time
‘First morning/8 hour’ Urine specimen
Collected on waking after 8 hours sleep
‘Fasting’ Urine specimen
Second specimen voided after fasting (glucose monitoring)
‘Timed’ Urine specimen
Collected at specific times
Name four timed urine specimen tests
- Tolerance test (glucose)
- 2-hour postprandial (2 hours after meal)
- 24-hour (collection and pooling of all urine voided in 24 hours)
- Double voided (empty bladder, wait specified time, then collect specimen)
What is a ‘Hat’?
A 24 hour urine specimen collection container
24 Hour Collection Procedure
- Void into toilet as usual upon waking
- Note time and date on label, place on container, begin timing
- Collect all urine voided for the next 24 hours
- Refrigerate specimen throughout collection period
- Collect urine before bms
- Drink normal amount of fluid unless otherwise directed
- Void one last time at the end of 24 hours
- Seal container, place in cooler, transport to lab ASAP
‘Regular voided’ urine collection method
P voids into clean container
‘Midstream’ urine collection method
P voids into toilet first, then container
‘Midstream clean-catch’ urine collection method
Requires special cleaning of genital area before collection
‘Catheterized’ urine collection method
Collected from sterile catheter inserted through the urethra
‘Suprapubic aspiration’ urine collection method
Collected by inserting needle directly into bladder and aspirating
‘Pediatric’ urine collection method
Collected in plastic bag, for children not potty trained
Mucous or phlegm ejected from trachea, bronchi and lungs used for diagnosis or monitoring of lower respiratory tract infections
- first morning specimen preferred
- collect 1 hour after meal
- P takes 3 or 4 deep breaths and then coughs forcefully, expelling sputum into container
- Useful in evaluation of gastrointestinal disorders
- Evaluated for presence of intestinal parasites and their eggs
- Check for fat and urobilinogen content
- Cultured to detect presence of pathogenic bacteria and viruses
- tested for presence of occult blood using gualac test