Chapter 13 Flashcards
Clinical picture
Delusions of though content
Idea of reference
Clinical picture
Disturbance of associative linking
Formal thought disorder
- cognitive slippage (what they say doesn’t make sense, derailment)
- loosening of associations
Clinical picture
Disruptions of perception
Inability to process sensory information
Clinical picture
Emotional dysfunction
Anhedonia (agitation, beginning of schizophrenia)
Emotional shallowness or blunting
Strong effect in acute phase
Clinical picture
Confused sense of self
Delusional assumptions
Cosmic or oceanic feelings
Clinical picture
Disrupted violation
Goal directed activity disrupted
Deterioration of previously mastered standards
Clinical picture
Retreat to inner world
Ties to external world loosened
Fantastical ideas formed
Clinical picture
Disturbed motor behavior
Decreased movement
Psychosis is a break from reality
Hallucinations are false perceptions
Delusions are false beliefs
Thought disorder
Disorganised thinking
Having trouble organising thoughts and connecting them logically
Movement disorders
Agitated body movements
May repeat certain motions over and over
Catatonia- doesn’t move or respond to others
Paranoid subtype
Hallucinations/ prominent delusional thoughts about persecution or conspiracy
More functional in their liability to work and engage in relationships than other subtypes
Most common
Disorganised subtype
Disorganisation of thought processes
Hallucinations and delusions less pronounced
Significant impairments in emotional processes, ability to communicate (speech), and ability to maintain activities of daily living
Catatonic subtype
Disturbances in movement
Dramatic reduction in activity or dramatic increase
Undifferentiated subtype
Symptoms that aren’t sufficiently formed or specific enough to permit classification
Can fluctuate
May not fit one typical subtype l