Chapter 13 Flashcards
Upward social comparison
When people compare themselves to someone, they perceive as superior
Downward social comparison
When people compare themselves to someone, they perceive as inferior
Social contagion
The spread of behaviors, attitudes, and affect through crowds, and other types of social activities from one number to another
Mass hysteria
Refers to an apparently contagious disassociative phenomenon that takes place in large groups of people or institutions under conditions of anxiety
Term that deals with how an individual perceives the causes of every day experiences, as being either external or internal
Fundamental attribution error
Tendency people have two over emphasize personal characteristics, and ignore situational factors in judging others behaviour
Aschs conformity
Considered a group of vision tests, were participants, were found to be more likely to conform to wrong answers, if first given by other participants
The tendency of people to engage in uncharacteristic behaviour when they are stripped of their usual identities
An emphasis on group unanimity at the expense of critical thinking
Inoculation effect
Explain how an attitude or belief can be made resistant to persuasion or influence
Bystander nonintervention
If it is determined that others are not reacting to the situation, bystanders will interpret the situation as a non-emergency, and will not Intervine
Pluralistic, ignorance
Occurs when an individual members of a group, believe that others in that group old, comparatively more or less extreme attitudes, beliefs, or behaviours
Diffusion of responsibility
Phenomenon where buy a person is less likely to take responsibility for an action or in action when bystanders were present
Social loafing
The phenomenon of a person exerting less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group, then when working alone
And unselfish behaviour that provides benefits to others at some cost to the individual
Enlightenment affect
The theory that you cannot accumulate knowledge about cultural life because studying it and discussing, it will change social behaviour
Behaviour that is intended to harm another individual that does not wish to be harmed
The result of the combination of value and belief
Ideas considered true without facts, and can be spiritual, morals, political, social, etc.
Cognitive dissonance
Mental conflict occurs when your beliefs don’t line up with your actions
Self perception theory
Attitude formation developed by Daryl bem
Asserts that people develop their attitudes by observing their own behaviour in concluding what attitudes must have caused it
Impression management theory
States that the sum of the total actions we take both consciously and unconsciously, to influence how others perceive us
The central route to persuasion
Occurs when a person is persuaded by the contents of the message
Peripheral route to persuasion
Indirect rule that uses the peripheral system
Cues to associate positivity with the message
Relies on the association with positive characteristics, such as positive emotions
Persuasion techniques
Psychological tools that people use influence, other peoples opinions and actions
Foot in the door
Compliance, tactic that aims are getting a person to agree to a large request by having them come to a modest request at first
Door in the face
Compliance method that ain’t I getting a person to agree to a modest request by having them to disagree to a larger request first
Persuasion tactic, in which an item is initially offered at a lower price than one expects to get the buyer to commit, and then the price is suddenly increased
Bias which devalues people, because of their perceived membership of a social group
A belief, positive or negative, about the characteristics of members of a group that is applied generally to most of the members
Negative behaviour toward members of an outgroup
Ultimate attribution error
Assumption the behaviours among individual members of a group are due to their internal dispositions
Illusory correlation
The tendency to perceive a relationship of covariation between infrequent behaviours or treats, and infrequent classes of people where none exist
In group biases
Tendency to favour individuals within our group over those from outside our group
Outgroup homogeneity
Tendency to view all individuals outside our group is highly similar
Scapegoat hypothesis
Claim that prejudice arises from a need to blame other groups for our misfortunes
Just world hypothesis
Claim that our attributions and behaviours are shaped by deep-seated assumption that the world is fair, and all things happen for a reason
Explicit prejudices
Unfound negative belief of which we are aware regarding the characteristics of an outgroup
Implicit prejudices
Unfound negative belief of which we are unaware regarding the characteristics of an outgroup
Combatting prejudice
Educational strategies to enhance knowledge and appreciation of other groups
Robbers cave study
Hostility can arise between two groups in conflict and competition for scarce resources
Jigsaw classroom
Educational approach designed to minimize prejudice by requiring all children to make independent contributions to a shared project