Chapter 12- Reproductive Flashcards
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Sexually Transmitted Infection
Silent STD, women may not have symptoms, major cause of infertility, leading cause of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Infection of the genitourinary tract
Sx- purulent discharge, dysuria
Often asymptomatic
Often occurs with chlamydia
Infection of lower genitourinary tract Symptoms: Asymptomatic Profuse greenish yellow discharge Cervix has strawberry like appearance Etio: Protozoan (motile)
Infection of the skin of genital area with ulcerations spread by direct skin to skin contact.
Viral infection: HSV-2
Open lesions increase risk of contracting HIV
Genital herpes
Cauliflower like growths on the rectum, vagina or penis
Virus, human papillomavirus (HPV), skin-to-skin contact
women who have HPV are at greater risk of developing cervical cancer
Genital warts ( condyloma )
chronic, systemic, STI that consist of 4 stages
primary syphilis: open lesion = chancre
secondary: spreads throughout body; contagious, but open lesion is healed
latent: 1 to 40 years
tertiary: disabling, life-threatening
smear of lesion, test (VDRL)
chancroid = soft chancre
causes necrotizing ulceration and lymphadenopathy, purulent drainage
inflammation of the epididymis (duct)
epididymis = first in series of ducts that transport sperm
Symptom: Painful scrotum
Etiology: gonorrhea or chlamydia
inflammation/infection of testis
Symptoms:causes atrophy, can lead to sterility
Etiology: bacterial or viral (mumps)
one testicle twisted out of its normal position
Symptoms: severe, sudden pain, swelling, redness, tenderness; may kink blood
Etiology: spontaneous or result of trauma
Torsion of the Testicle
veins of testicle becomes abnormally distended, swelling follows
Acute/chronic inflammation of prostrate gland
sx - pain and burning with urination
nonmalignant, noninflammatory hypertrophy of prostate gland
enlargement of prostate; nonmalignant
men > 50 years of age
sx - related to urination
Ex - aging, hormonal, metabolic
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
3rd leading cause of cancer death in men
similar to BPH or prostatitis
Prostate Cancer
most common in males between ages of 20 and 35
painless lump in testicle
surgical removal, radiation and chemo
Testicular Cancer
fluid-filled sacs, on or near ovaries
most are physiologic cysts, some are neoplastic cysts (benign or
Ovarian Cysts
endometrial tissue implants outside uterus
benign, but painful and chronic
may cause: infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and
spontaneous abortion
infection of female reproductive organs
complications - scarring of tubes; peritonitis; increased risk of ectopic pregnancy
vaginal bacterium
organism enters through
vagina, travels up cervix into pelvic cavity
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
leiomyoma = smooth muscle tumor; benign
fibroid = benign tumor of fibrous tissue
most common tumors of female reprod.
Leiomyomas (Fibroids)
downward displacement of uterus
weakened pelvic floor muscles
Uterine Prolapse
cystocele = downward displacement of bladder into anterior aspect of vagina
rectocele = protrusion of rectum into posterior aspect of vagina
Cystocele & Rectocele
Cervix functions to allow sperm into uterine cavity & the infant to pass into birth canal
watery, bloody discharge
bleeding between menstrual periods, after
intercourse or menopause
Cervical Cancer
leading cause of death of female reproductive system
early diagnosis difficult,
silent cancer; CA125
positive in 80%
Ovarian Cancer
involves lining of uterus
most common gynecologic
irregular bleeding, leukorrhea
2 types; most common is due to excess estrogen: (HRT), never having children, late menopause
Endometrial Cancer
fertilized ovum implants and develops outside uterus
most often in fallopian tube
severe lower abdominal pain, bleeding
positive hCG test, exam, endovaginal ultrasonography
Ectopic Pregnancy
characterized by hypertension
& proteinuria
hypertension, edema and proteinuria
usually occurs in 3rd trimester with weight gain, edema, headaches, N&V, ↑ BP
Preeclampsia (Toxemia) & Eclampsia
placenta implanted in lower uterus over the internal cervical os, causing bleeding
placenta previa
placenta separates from uterine wall, causes hemorrhage and lack of O2 to fetus
abruptio placentae
anomaly of conception; tumorous growth resulting from a pathologic ovum
symptoms mimic pregnancy
vaginal bleeding at three months
hCG levels elevated, no fetal heart tones
chorionic villi develop into grape-like vesicles; usually no fetus present
Hydatidiform Mole
benign, fibroplasia
cystic disease of breast
inflammation of breast during lactation; bacterial; antibiotics
benign tumor of breast
lump in breast tissue, usually from the terminal ductal lobular unit
lump, swelling, tenderness, dimpling, pain, ulceration, retraction
Cancer of the Breast
carcinoma of the mammary ducts
mild crusting, scaling of one nipple, eczematous, scaly, ulcerated
Paget’s Disease of the Breast