Chapter 12 Flashcards
reaction enzyme
big part of bacterias “immune system”
infects bacteria w/ virus which turns bacteria into a factory producing that virus
restriction enzymes were _________ not made
what do reaction enzymes do to bacterial phage DNA
hydrolyze (cut up)
restriction enzymes
cut out a bad gene and replaces it with a good one
polymerase chain reaction does what to DNA?
it amplifies DNA that look for infectious diseases
what are the steps to polymerase chain reaction
1) incubate dna at 94 degrees C for 1 min which separates DNA strands
2) DNA polymerase reads DNA
3) primer needs to be at starting point to work, they attach to single stranded DNA
gene gun
shoots micro gold nuggets thru plant and animal cells, some cells express DNA to become recombinant organisms
examples of biotechnology
insulin, growth hormone, vaccines, interferons, relaxin
objective things that can be measured or observed
ex: labs, EKGs
group of signs/symptoms that accompany a disease (IBS)
subjective things patient has to tell you
ex: pain, fatigue
non communicable disease
NOT spread from person to person
ex: tetanus
contagious diseases
EASILY spread from one to another
ex: measles
communicable disease
ARE spread from person to person
ex: STDs
sporadic diseases
occur occasionally and are not limited to a certain geographical area
endemic diseases
are consistently present in a population
ex: malaria in Africa
pandemic diseases
are worldwide epidemics
epidemic diseases
lead to rapid increase of disease in a given area in a short period of time
ex: flu season
primary infections
acute infection that makes you sick and weakens immune system
secondary infections
opportunistic infections that you get after you’re already sick
opportunistic infections occur when…
an organism gets in wrong location
host is compromised
why can Koch’s postulates fail?
if you can isolate organism in pure culture
if multiple organisms cause the same disease
if one organism causes multiple diseases
5 stages of disease
incubation, prodromal, illness, decline, convalescence
incubation period
infected but don’t have disease, long or short period of time
period of illness
sick, disease is most severe
prodromal period
mild signs/symptoms, on the way to period of illness
period of decline
feeling better but still fatigued
period of convalescence
regaining strength but still fatigued
you can spread disease during….
any 5 stages of disease
direct contract transmission
touching/kissing when sick
indirect contract transmission
touching inanimate object and contaminating it –> someone touching it and getting sick
inanimate object that spreads disease
droplet transmission
not airborne, droplets touching you or landing on something
vectors (animals or insects)
carry pathogens from one to another
mechanical transmission
fly picks up pathogen and carries it to food –> person eats food and gets sick
organisms can be carried in the _____ and ___________
gut, salivary glands
biological transmission
infected mosquito bites uninfected person, infection spreads to persons blood –> 2nd mosquito bites and can now infect others
mosquito bites creates a _______ ____ _________
portal of entry
microbes in healthcare environments
strongest, fittest microbe infecting others
nosocomial infections
infection you get while receiving care for another condition
3 reasons why nosocomial infections are so serious
microbes in healthcare environments
compromised host
chain of transmission
compromised host
really young/old patients, already sick so immunocompromised
chain of transmission
care providers, family, staff giving patients microbes
what is the most common cause of nosocomial infections
catheterization (UTIS)
highest mortality nosocomial infections are
lower respiratory infections
number of people who acquire a disease in a given time period (how many people got it)
number of people who have the disease in a time period regardless of when it appeared (old cases + new cases)
How to remember specificity?
sPecificity: no false positive
sensitive test
tells you that you patient has a disease if they have it
specific test
won’t tell your healthy patients they have a disease
when you’ve been invaded by a pathogen
doesnt have disease yet
an abnormal state where there is a disruption of normal body functions (homeostasis)