Chapter 11_Grammar Flashcards
What are the five characteristics for Latin Verbs?
Person, number, tense, mood, voice
What is person and what are the options?
- Reveals who is doing the action
2. first, second, third person
What is number and what are the options?
- reveals how many are doing the action
2. singular or plural
What is tense and what are the options?
- tells the time of the action taking place
2. (six of them) present, future, imperfect, perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect
What is mood and what are the options?
- indicates the attitude of the subject toward the action that takes place
- indicative, imperative, subjunctive
What is voice and what are the options?
- indicates the relationship between the action and the subject
- active or passive voice
What is the passive of “Marcus hits.”
Marcus is hit.
What is the passive for “I carry.”
I am carried.
What is the passive for “You saw.”
You are seen.
What are the passive personal endings
- r
- ris
- tur
- mur
- minī
- ntur
What is the formula for forming the present passive indicative?
(same as forming the present active indicative present stem (2nd pp - re) + passive personal endings
How is the Latin Passive Infinitive formed?
For most conjugation change the final -e to an ī
What is the passive infinitive for ēducō, āre, āvī, ātum?
take the second principle part, chop off the -e and add -ī
How is the Latin Passive Infinitive formed in the third conjugation?
change the -ere to ī
What is the passive infinitive for dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, dūctus?
take the second principle part, chop off the -ere and add -ī because this is a third conjugation verb
Note: review the following Latin paradigms in drobox
- Ch 11_Present Passive verbs