Chapter 11: Offering Group Fitness Classes in Diverse Settings Flashcards
Environmental Temperature-Related Illnesses: Heat Cramps
Muscle spasms in the arms, legs, and stomach due to loss of electrolytes and fluids.
Painful cramps, loss of strength, thirst and dehydration.
No EMS, but medical attention may be necessary if vomiting and nausea occur
Environmental Temperature-Related Illnesses: Heart Exahustion
Heat-related illness attributed to hot, humid temperatures and the loss of electrolytes and fluids
weak, rapid pulse; low blood pressure; fatigue; headache; dizziness; weakness; cold, clammy skin; profuse sweating; dehydration; elevated core temperature
Possible EMS if symptoms progress and participants temperature is not decreasing.
Environmental Temperature-Related Illnesses: Heat Stroke
medical emergency and the most serious heat-related illness resulting from overexposure to heat
hot, dry skin; red skin color; rapid pulse; anxiety; irritability; dyspnea; dehydration; elevated core temperature; syncope
yes ems
Environmental Temperature-Related Illnesses: Hypothermia
A drop in body temperature below 95 degrees
shivering, tingling, numbness in fingers and toes, burning feeling in nose and ears. Extreme exposure can result in fatigue, lethargy, and possible cardiac arrest
possible ems if symptoms progress to extreme, or if participants temperature is not rising
fluid replacement recommendations before exercise
drink 5-7 ml/kg at least 4 hours before exercises
if urine is not produced or is very dark, drink another 3-5 ml/kg two hours before exercise
sodium containing beverages or salted snacks will help retain fluid
fluid replacement recommendations during exercise
monitor individual body weight changes during exercise to estimate sweat loss
composition of fluid should include 20-30 mEq/L of sodium, 2-5 mEq/L of potassium, and 5-10% of carbohydrate
prevent a >2% loss in body weight
amount and rate of fluid replacement depends on individual sweating rate, environment, and exercise duration.
fluid replacement recommendations after exercise
consumption of normal meals and beverages will restore euhydration
if rapid recovery is needed drink 1.5 L/kg of body weight lost
goal is to fully replace fluid and electrolyte deficits
consuming sodium will help recovery by stimulating thirst and fluid retention