Chapter 11 Flashcards
a process by which we perceive and respond to certain events called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging
learned helplessness
hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or person learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events
**losing control produces a ____ of stress hormones
by boosting feelings of control people often…
lead happier and healthier lives
**main difference bt internal and external locus of control is that the internal locus of control believes what
they control their own destiny
does a pessimist or an optimist have better moods, stronger immune systems, longer lives, and better well-being
**we received 3 ways to eliminate stress which include
Having a sense of control
Developing more optimistic thinking
Building social support
social support, feeling liked, and encouraged by intimate friends/family, promotes what two things?
Happiness and health
**what is the feel-good do-good phenomenon
people’s tendency to be helpful when already in a good mood
expect things to go badly, blame themselves, others, or situations beyond their control
expect to have control, work well under stress, and enjoy good health
stress arises less from the events themselves than from how we?
appraise them
there are 3 main types of stressors. Which one deals with day to day challenges?
daily hassles and social stress
**Walter Cannon viewed stress response as?
unified mind-body fight or flight system
**Hans Seyle extended Cannons findings, proposing a general 3 phase general adaptation syndrome GAS. What are the 3 stages?
- ) alarm- sympathetic nervous system activated
- ) resistance- body copes with the stressor
- ) exhaustion- body’s reserves get depleted
studies mind and body interaction
stress diverts energy from?
the immune system
**immune system activity is affected by?
age, nutrition, genetics, body temp, and stress
2 ways the immune system can error if it is not properly functioning
responds too strongly or not strong enough
idea that releasing aggressive energy relieves aggressive urges
experts offer 3 suggestions to manage anger, which include
find healthy distraction or support
distance yourself
reducing stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods
problem focused coping
attempts tp reduce stress directly by changing the stressor ot the way we interact with it
emotion focused coping
reducing stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional nees related to our stress reaction