chapter 11 Flashcards
what is motivation?
the overall desire to excel
what is the key to leadership success?
motivating others to do their best
how does a leader motivate others to do their best?
they need to tap in to peoples different modes of motivation that will motivate each employee
why is motivation important?
because it will cause your team to work at their highest level
what are the 2 kinds of rewards?
intrinsic rewards
extrinsic rewards
what are intrinsic rewards?
the good feeling someone gets when they have done a good job
what are extrinsic rewards?
something given to you by someone else as recognition for good work, they include pay increases, praise and promotions
what kind of reward do managers have control over?
extrinsic rewards
what are the 2 kinds of management concepts?
who’s management concept is scientific?
whos are the 5 kinds of behavioural concepts of management?
mayos Hawthorne effect
maslows hierarchy of needs
herzberg motivating factors
mcgregor X and Y theories
victor vroom expectancy theory
what is fredrick Taylors management concept?
you can increase productivity by studying the most efficient ways of doing things and then teaching workers those methods
what are the three elements of Fredrick Taylors management concept?
rules of work
why was time an element of fredrick Taylors management concept?
because you would find out the fastest and most efficient way of doing a job
why was methods a element of fredrick Taylors management concept?
you would find the most efficient method of doing something and then teach that method
why was rules of work an element of fredrick Taylors management concept?
because the rules of work gave the employee a set guide line to follow to be as efficient as possible
what kind of study was done to breakdown the tasks needed to do a job and the time needed for each task?
time and motion studies
what is an example of time and motion studies?
a back opening an account for a customer, they would break down all the steps of opening an account, then see how long it took and then teach and use the rules of work to implement the most efficient methods of work
what is scientific management?
management that viewed people as machines and had little concern for the psychological human aspects of work
what is an example of Taylors ideas being used today?
ups tells drivers how fast to walk, how many packages to deliver per day and how to hold their keys. this makes sure the job is done as efficient as possible
what is the Hawthorne study?
elton mayo came to the Hawthorne plant to test the degree of lighting associated with the optimum productivity
what did mayo hypothesize from the Hawthorne study?
mayo hypothesized that human or psychological factors caused increases in the workers performance
what did the Hawthorne studies result in?
that a managerial style that had more supervision on the employees lead to more productivity
what does the Hawthorne effect refer to?
the tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied or watched
who conducted the Hawthorne study?
elton mayo
what is maslows hierarchy of needs?
is the idea that motivation arises from needs and one is motivated to satisfy unmet needs and people are motivated to work or do something if one of their needs can be met
what are the 5 principles of maslows hierarchy?
motivation arises from needs
one is motivated by unmet needs
when one need is satisfied another higher-level need emerges
a satisfied need is no longer a motivator
lower-level needs can pop up at any time and take attention away from higher level needs
what are the 5 needs in maslows hierarchy (from top to bottom)?
self actualization
esteem needs
social needs
safety needs
physiological needs
what are physiological needs in maslows hierarchy?
basic survival needs including the need to drink eat and be sheltered
what are saftey needs in maslows hierarchy?
the need to feel secure at work and home
what are social needs in maslows hierarchy?
the need to feel loved, accepted and part of the group
what are esteem needs in maslows hierarchy?
the need for recognition and acknowledgments from others, as well as self respect and a sense of status
what are self-actualization needs?
the need to develop to your fullest potential
how will the level of an employees needs that are being met effect their work?
depending on how many of their needs are met it can effect their performance at work, if their lower level needs are not met it can impact their commitment at work
what was herzburgs theory on motivation?
there were job related factors of the job that motivated the workers
what are the 5 most important motivating factors in herzbergs motivating factors(in order)?
1) work itself
2) sense of achievement
3) earned recognition
4) responsibility
5) growth and advancement
what are hygiene factors?
things that are inherent with the job
what are some examples of hygiene factors?
personal life
working conditions
job security
company policy and administration
interpersonal relations between employees
what was the correlation between the hygiene factors and job satisfaction / dissatisfaction?
the presence of good hygiene factors reduced Job dissatisfaction but did not increase job satisfaction
what is the difference between maslows hierarchy and herzbergs motivating factors?
maslows hierarchy belives that what motivates an employee is fulfilling their own personal needs but herzbergs motivating factors belived that employees are motivated by functions of the job
what is Mcgregors X and Y theory?
the way that managers motivate workers greatly depends on how the manager views the workers attitudes towards work, attitudes normally fell in in one of two sets of attitudes; theory X and theory Y
what was theory X managers 6 assumptions about workers attitude?
they feel the worker:
disliked work
avoided responsibility
little ambition
they needed to be forced/ threatened/ controlled/ directed
they were motivated by fear and money
they were lazy
what was theory Y managers 5 assumptions about workers attitude?
they felt like workers;
liked work and naturally work towards goals
seek responsibility
they were imaginative, creative and clever
motivated by empowerment
wanted opportunities to grow
between theory X and Y what is bad and good?
X is bad
Y is good
why are employee surveys done?
to help managers understand needs and motivators of their employee so they can learn how to motivate them
what is management by objectives (MBO)?
a system of goal setting and implementation that involves a cycle of discussion, review and evaluation of objectives among top and middle level management, MBO is most efficient for higher level positions in stable and longterm companies
what does MBO stand for?
management by objectives
what are the 3 important factors in MBO?
the goals needs to accepted
they need to be accompanied by feedback so the goals are realistic
the goals need to be facilitated by organizational conditions so the goals can be completed
what SMART stand for?
why is smart important when goals setting?
because if the goals are SMART it will keep the worker engaged in the goals
what is victor vrooms expectancy theory?
the amount of effort that employees put in to a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome and those expectations can vary from individual to individual. depending on if they can do the task and if the outcome is worth it then the worker will be motivated
what are 3 expectations an employee can expect?
possible raises
protections from being laid off
what are the 5 steps to use expectancy theory?
determine what rewards employees value
determine each employees desired performance standard
ensure that performance standards are attainable using SMART goal setting
guarantee rewards are tied to performance
be certain that employees consider the rewards worth it
what is the reinforcement theory?
positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers and punishments motivate employees to behave in a certain way and keep people productive
why would positive reinforcements motivate a person?
positive reinforcements will make an employee continue to work hard and not slack of when they have been meeting goals
why would negative reinforcements motivate a person?
they can make a person work harder and become more productive when there is potential negative consequences if they do not change their actions
how can punishments change a persons behaviours?
they can stop being from repeatedly do negative things
what is equity theory?
it looks at how employees perceptions of fairness effect their willingness to perform
why is open communication important for motivation?
communication and information must flow freely throughout the organization when employees are empowered to make decisions
why is building team work an important for motivation?
having teams and teamwork creates an environment in which learning can happen because most learning happen at the peer or lowest level, the more comfortable the team is with each other the more motivation they will have
why is job recognition important for motivation?
letting people know you appreciate their work is usually more powerful then giving a raise or bonus and will lead to happier employees
why is it important for managers to personalize motivation?
there is no one-size fits all for motivational formula for all employees, each employee has different values and needs that need to be met and will help motivate employees, this is why managers need to get to know each worker personally and tailor the motivational efforts to the individual
why would a manager need to change their motivational approach when trying to motivate employees around the globe?
different cultures experiences motivational approaches differently because there would be different values that motivate foreign employees