Chapter 10- Vertebrate Embryology Flashcards
Study of the development of a unicellular zygote into a complete, multicellular organism
Series of rapid mitotic divisions– lead to increase in cell number but no growth in protoplasm (total cytoplasm volume remains constant)
Cleavage in relation to cell size and nuclear to cytoplasmic material ratio
smaller cells
increasing ratio of nuclear to cytoplasmic material
cleavage in relation to surface to volume ratio
Increases surface to volume ratio- improves gas and nutrient exchange
What one zygote divides into before turning into a blastula
Blastulation begins when..
the morula develops a fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel which by the 4th day becomes a hollow sphere of cells called the blastula
The stage where the embryo implants in the uterus is:
The blastula
Once implanted in the uterus, blastula –> gastrula
Three layers of gastrula
Integument (epidermis, hair, nails, and epithelium of nose, mouth and anal canal), lens of eye, retina, and the nervous system
Epithelial linings of the digestive and respiratory tracts (lungs) and parts of liver, pancreas, thyroid, and bladder lining
Musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, excretory system, gonads, connective tissue throughout the body, and portions of digestive and resp. orgams
process by which regions of the germ layers begin to develop into a rudimentary nervous system at the end of gastrulation.
A rod of mesodermal cells that develops along the longitudinal axis under dorsal layer of ectoderm
causes ectoderm to bend inward and form groove along dorsal surface of the embryo
Notochord forms into the
neural tube, which gives rise to the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system)
What happens when the neural tube is formed?
detaches from the surface ectoderm
Neural crest cells
cells at the tip of each neural fold
migrate laterally and give rise to PNS- sensory ganglia, autonomic ganglia, adrenal ganglia, adrenal medulla, and Schwann cells
Developmental phase can be divided into:
internal and external development
Internal development
follows the neurulation process
Internal development includes
Organogenesic, growth, and gametogenesis
The body organs begin to form
cells interact, differentiate, change physical shape, proliferate and migrate
Organs increase in size, which is a continual process from infancy to childhood to adulthood
Eggs and sperm develope
External development in eggs (animals)
occurs outside the body
Parts of egg in animals
Chorion- lines inside of shell, permits gas exhange
Allantois- Sac-like structure permits respiration and excretion. Contains vessels to transport O2, CO2, water, salt and nitrogenous waste
Amnion- encloses amniotic fluid, which prevents eggs from shock
Yolk sac- encloses yolk. Has blood vessels to transfer food to embryo
Nonplacental internal development
Limits food and oxygen exhange.. Maybe born very early in development
Specialized circulatory system in placental internal development allows
fetus to get oxygen from mother and also removes CO2 and metabolic wastes
Two components of placental internal development system
Umbelical Cord
Placenta and umbilical cord are outgrowths of the
four extra-embryonic membranes formed during development
Amnion- shock absorber during labor
Chorion- begins placenta formation
Allantois- Becomes umbilical cord
Yolk sac- becomes associated with the umbilical vessels
human pregnancy
First trimester
During first 3 weeks: major organs begin to develop
22 days- Heart begins to beat
Soon after- Eyes, gonads, limbs and liver start to form
7th week- bone
8th week- most organs have formed, brain is developed, and embyo is reffered to as fetus
Second trimester
Fetus grows tremendously
Begins to move around in amniotic fluid, face appears human, toes and fingers elongate
Third trimester
7th and 8th month- Rapid growth of body and brain
9th month- antibodies are transported by highly selective active transport from mother to fetus
Growth rate slows- fetus becomes less active
series of strong uterine contraction
First stage of labor
cervix thins out and dilates and amniotic sac ruptures. Mild contration
Second stage of labor
Rapid contractions, birth of baby, cutting of umbilical cord
3rd and final stage of labor
Uterus contracts, expelling placenta and umbilical cord
Differentiation of cells is complete when
all organs reach adult form