Chapter 10 Flashcards
A ___________ is a scientist who studies the classification and origin of all types of rocks.
The individual rock particles, crystals, and sometimes fossils that combine to give a rock its texture are known as _________
Many young-earth geologists think that the basement rocks created on the third day of Creation were probably ___________
igneous rocks
Which rock contains the largest crystals, usually interlocking?
____________ is a type of rock that is often light enough to float in water.
_________ is a type of rock that is so smooth and shiny that it is called volcanic glass.
Which type of rock is most closely tied to the process of erosion?
Which of step would come between deposition and cementation in the formation of sedimentary rock?
Which of the following does not belong with the other three?
- clay
- magma
- pebbles
- sand
Rocks formed from minerals precipitated from water are ______
nonclastic sedimentary rocks
Fossils are usually found in ________ rock.
A type of rock that appears to have been changed form its original form is called __________
When hydrothermal fluids cause changes to occur in rocks that they are in contact with, _________ metamorphism has occurred.
What is the possible correctly ordered sequence of shale, schist and slate changing from one type to another.
shale to slate to schist
In the old-earth version of the rock cycle, most rocks will eventually
return to the mantle and melt
_________ rocks are formed when molten rock cools and hardens
The term ___________ describes rocks that have crystals so small that you can’t see them with your eyes, and sometimes not even with a microscope.
_________ are fragments of rocks that fuse together to form a larger rock.
_________ rocks form from bonded rock fragments or fossils that have been transported by water or wind or from the precipitation of minerals from supersaturated water solutions.
Deposits of halite that penetrate vertically through rock strata are called salt _________
__________ metamorphic rocks contain crystals in bands or parallel layers.
When limestone has undergone metamorphosis, it turns into __________.
In what ways do grains help scientists to identify rocks?
Rocks are classified on the basis of the size, shape, and pattern of their grains
To what geologic event does the widespread existence of sedimentary rock testify?
Such widespread existence points to the Flood, that virtually all of the earth’s surface has experienced widespread catastrophic flooding.
Why are nonclastic sedimentary rocks also properly called chemical sedimentary rocks?
Many nonclastic sedimentary rocks develop when chemicals precipitate out of solutions.
What three conditions are thought to cause metamorphism in rocks?
Metamorphic rocks form when source rocks are exposed to extreme heat, pressure, or hot chemical solutions (hydrothermal fluids)
an example of Intrusive igneous rock
granite or gabbro
an example of extrusive igneous rock
basalt or andesite
an example of clastic sedimentary rock
conglomerate or breccia
an example of nonclastic sedimentary rock
limestone or chalk
an example of foliated metamorphic rock
slate or gneiss
an example of nonfoliated metamorphic rock
marble or quartzite
True or False
The law of conservation of matter implies that the earth’s matter can change in form but not in mass
True or False
Most rocks are a mixture of two or more minerals
True or False
Fossils are commonly found in granite
True or False
Large crystals are always formed deep underground from molten rock that has cooled slowly
True or False
Old-earth geologists believe that it took millions of years for layers of sedimentary rocks to form.
True or False
Some limestones are considered to be inorganic nonclastic sedimentary rocks while others are organic nonclastic or clastic sedimentary rocks
True or False
Chalk is an organic sedimentary rock; that is , it formed from the remains of living organisms
True or False
Cement and concrete are composed mainly of igneous rocks
True or False
Some metamorphic rocks can be changed into other metamorphic rocks through metamorphism.
True or False
The traditional rock cycle fits better with an old-earth worldview than a young-earth view
True or False
Sedimentary rocks are the starting material for most versions of the rock cycle.
List three different reasons why organisms might live under rocks.
Rocks provide protection from many larger predators. A rock helps to moderate extreme swings in temperature and humidity. Many organisms feed on other things that are found beneath rocks. Some animals stash food under rocks to store up for later.
For each of the three main types of rock, list one example of a rock that has been used in building construction.
Igneous examples include granite and basalt. Limestone and tuff (breccia) are sedementary building materials. Metamorphic building materials include marble and slate.
Distinguish between regional, contact and dynamic metamorphism.
Regional metamorphism occurred on a large scale within tectonic zones. Contact metamorphism is more limited and occurs around sills, dikes, and other regions where hot magma and lava contact other rocks. Dynamic metamorphism is probably the most rapid, is also limited in scope, and may still occur, most often along active faults.