Chapter 10 Flashcards
What is incremental change?
series of continual progressions that often affects on part of the organization
through normal structure and management
tech improvements and product improvements
What is radical change?
breaks the frame of reference for the organization and transforms it entirely
new structure and management
breakthrough tech and new products creating new markets
What are the 4 strategic types of change?
Technology, products/services, strategy/structure, culture
What are the 5 steps for successful change?
Idea Needs Adoption Implementation Resources
What is the ambidextrous approach?
create ideas through organic management
implement ideas through mechanistic management
What are 4 ways to create/maintain the ambidextrous approach?
- Switching structures
- Separate creative department
- Venture Teams -> skunkworks
- Corporate entrepreneurship -> technical and management champion
What are the 3 requirements for a successful new product?
- Understand customer needs and pay attention to marketing
- Make use of outside technology and advice
- Top management support
What organization design supports new product success and its 3 aspects?
Horizontal Coordination Model
- department specialization
- boundary spanning
- horizontal coordination
Explain the dual core approach
used for strategy and structure change
admin changes -> mechanistic management
technical changes -> organic management
Explain the 3 forces for culture change
reengineering and horizontal organizing
learning organization
What is organizational development?
focus on human and social aspects to adapt and solve problems
Name 3 ways to incorporate organizational development
- Large group intervention
- Team building
- Interdepartmental activities
What is transformational leadersip?
create an environment that supports exploration, risk taking, sharing of ideas
What are the 3 steps in the change commitment process?
Commitment -> installation and instituionalization
Name 5 barriers to change
- Excessive focus on cost
- Failure to perceive benefits
- Lack of coordination and cooperation
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Fear of loss - power, status position
State the steps in change implementation (Kotter’s)
- Establish sense of urgency
- Establish a coalition to guide change
- Create vision/strategy for change
- Find an idea that fits the need
- Develop plan to overcome resistance
- Create change teams
- Foster idea champions