chapter 1 review Flashcards
any substance other than food or water that alters the structure or function of an organism
illicit drug
drug that is illegal
licit drug
legal drug
drug misuse
used in ways not prescribed by the manufacturer or regulatory agency
drug abuse
the use of a drug in amounts or by methods that are harmful to the individual or others
drug dependence
a state in which an individual uses a drug so frequently or consistently that it would be difficult for the person to stop
3 important principles
- every drug has multiple effects
- the size and the quality of the drugs effect depends on the amount of the individual has taken and the route of administration
- effects depend on the individual’s history or expectations
substance use concerns before WW11
few concerns
mid 1960s:
rapid cultural change, drug experimentation, era of tolerance
1970s mixed attitudes
more tolerance in some quarters - nixons war on drugs
nixons war on drugs
declared drugs abuse was public enemy number one
1980s penalties?
more limits and penalties for drug use
- casual drug use dropped off
1990s rise of “club drugs”
4 revolutions in drug use
- 19th century vaccines
- first half of 20th century: antibiotics
- 1950s study of the drug effects on mind
- convinced the public that drugs can have effects on emotions and cognitive thought processes - 1960s birth control pill - convinced the public we can chemically control our bodies
monitoring the future project
prevalence of use
attitudes about risk and availability - how they have changed over time
national survey on drug use and health
personal characteristics that predict drug use
risks factors: having friends who use substances
2. engaging in frequent fighting, stealing, and other antisocial activities
3. perceiving that substance use is prevalent at school
4. knowing adults who use substance
5. having positive attitude toward substance use
what variables dont predict drug use?
protective factors;
1. perceiving that there are strong sanctions against substance use at school
2. having parents as a source of social support
3. being committed to schoo
4. believing that religion is important and frequently attending relgious services
5. participating in two or more extra curricular activities
socioeconomic status does not correlate well with drug use except when
personality problems
impulsivity, aggressiveness, conduct problems poor academic
antecedent - correlated variables that pre-date (and may lead to) drug use
impulsivity, aggressiveness, conduct problems poor academic
motives for the first time use - strongest predictor
rebellious behavior, to get attention