Chapter 1 - Intro to Behavior Analysis Flashcards
Dr. Schmidt consulted with Jimmy. Jimmy wanted to get over being shy. Dr. Schmidt told Jimmy to look other people in the eye, talk loudly, and smile. When Jimmy did so, Dr. Schmidt praised him. Dr. Schmidt was helping Jimmy by using the behavioral science of ______________.
behavior analysis
Who founded behavior analysis?
B.F. Skinner
The science that studies environmental events that change behavior is called __________.
behavior analysis
Dr. Schmidt consulted with Jimmy. Jimmy wanted to get over being shy. Dr. Schmidt told Jimmy that no one had ever taught him to be direct with other people. Dr. Schmidt explained Jimmy’s shyness by using the principle of __________ events
The problem with explaining behavior with private events is that we still must __________ the private events.
The first strategy taught in this book is to define your problem as a behavioral problem and to gather information about it. I call this the __________ strategy.
Behavior analysts see most behavior as __________ behavior
The principle of public events is to look for the causes of behavior in __________ events
Dr. Schmidt consulted with Jimmy about his shyness. Dr. Schmidt told Jimmy that his shyness was the result of no one teaching him to look others in the eye, talk loud enough, and smile. By defining Jimmy’s problem this way, Dr. Schmidt was using the __________ strategy.
Applied behavior analysis began wide-spread publication in __________.
Define behavior analysis
The science that studies environmental (or external) events that change behavior
Behavior analysis is the science that studies [a] events that [b] behavior.
public; change
Behavior analysts study thoughts and feelings as a form of __________.
Ken helped Maria overcome her depression. He advised her to view it as staying home and not doing anything. By defining her problem as lack of activity, he was using the __________ strategy.
Ken helped Maria overcome her depression by setting up fun things for her to get out and do. He hoped to change( her pattern of staying home and not doing anything. Ken helped Maria by using the science of __________.
behavior analysis
The problem with explaining behavior with private events is that we still must __________ the private events
The behavioral strategy is defining human problems as a __________ problem.
Behavior analysts view most behavior as ___________ behavior.
Ken helped Maria understand that her depression was caused by not connecting up with any fun activities away from home. By pointing to the lack of fun activities as the cause of her depression, Ken was using the principle of __________ events.
Define the behavioral strategy
Defining human problems as behavioral problems
Dr. Fernandez told Anna her problem was that she didn’t have an immediate reward for studying. He explained that she wasn’t studying because the test was too far off in the future to affect her studying. He was explaining her lack of studying by using the principle of __________ events.
Dr. Fernandez told Anna her problem was that she needed some immediate rewards for studying. He got Mr. Held to ask about Anna’s studying every evening and to show interest in what she was learning. Dr. Fernandez tried to change Anna’s studying by using the science of __________.
behavioral analysis
Seeking the causes of behavior in environmental events conforms to the principle of __________ events.
Behavior analysts view most behavior as __________ behavior.
Dr. Fernandez told Anna her problem was that she wasn’t sitting down and actually studying. Her problem wasn’t that she was weak-willed or lazy. By defining her problem as studying, Dr. Fernandez was using the __________ strategy.
The problem with private events is that we still must __________ them
Behavior analysis studies thoughts and feelings as a form of __________
What is the problem with using private events to explain behavior?
We still must explain what cause the private events