chapter 1- exam 1 Flashcards
what people do and say (action)
Components of behavior
- dimension
- frequency
- duration
- intensity
- latency
- can be observed, described, recorded
- have impact on the environment
- is lawful
- can be overt or covert
identifying the functional relationship between environmental events and a particular behavior
developing and implementing procedures to help people change the behavior
Target behavior
behavior being modified
Behavior excess
undesirable behavior, want to decrease
Behavior deficit
desirable behavior, want to increase
lawful and controlled by environmental events occuring closely to the behavior
Ivan Pavlov
respondant conditioning, classical conditioning
Edward Thorndike
Law of effect
John B Watson
observable behavior, classical conditioning
B.F Skinner
behaviorism, operant conditioning
- freud
- sex and aggression are motivation
- the unconscious
- Therapy: free association, hypnosis, stream of unconsciousness, catharsis
- stimulus response is motivation
- classical conditioning: Pavlov, Watson
- Operant conditioning: Skinner
- Observational learning: Bandura
- Cognitive therapy: Ellis, BUrns, Beck
- existential
- taking responsibility and getting in touch with feelings is the motivation
- hierarchy of needs: Maslow
- Client centered therapy: Rogers
- Choice therapy: Glasser
- Mans search for meaning: Frankl
Albert Bandura
Observational learning