Chapter 1 Flashcards
broadly shared values, beliefs and attitudes about how government and society should function
political culture
what kind of political culture does Texas have?
Traditionalistic Individualistic
what kind of state is Texas?
Hybrid State
what court case ended all white primaries?
Smith vs Allwright
includes a sense of obligation for community welfare. This obligation extends to a general readiness for policy initiatives in the “public interest” even when such action is not demanded by state electorates
moralistic political culture
emphasizes private initiative with a minimum of government interference. Governments role should be limited to protecting individual rights and ensuring that social and political relationships are based on merit
Individualistic political culture
views the role of government as the preservation of tradition and the existing social order. Government leadership is in the hands of a social elite, and the level of participation by ordinary citizens in the policymaking process is relatively low
Traditionalistic political culture
would rather compromise their principles than lose elections (would do whatever it takes to win)
brokerage parties
would rather lose elections than compromise their principles (this is what you believe in, if you don’t like it, join another party)
ideological parties
a narrow view associated with rural values and notions of limited government (Texas’s political culture was once defined as this)
a set of underlying orientations, ideas and beliefs
how popular is the state of Texas
2nd most popular state
the white-only primary and the poll tax actively discouraged what by latinos?
tax paid when casting a ballot
poll tax
laws which governed the conduct of African Americans
black codes
became the first Mexican-American to be elected to the Texas Senate in modern times
Henry B. Gonzalez
was mexico for slavery or against it?
how many African American men were registered voters
by law
de jure
by fact
de facto
supreme court held that “separate but equal” accommodations for blacks and whites were constitutional
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
case that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson
Brown v. Topeka Board of Education (1954)
case where Sweatt successfully integrated Texas pubic law schools after the U.S. Supreme Court began to chip away at the “separate-but-equal” doctrine
Sweatt v. Painter
Federal District Judge William Wayne ordered the complete desegregation of all Texas public schools
United States v. Texas
The Supreme Court struck down the Texas White Primary Law under the Equal Protections Clause of the 14th Amendment
Nixon vs. Herndon (1927)
amendment which prohibited the use of poll taxes
24th Amendment
like most African Texans, Latinos were relegated to the lowest-paid jobs as either service workers or farm workers
Raymondville Peonage cases
gave Latino Americans full citizenship and civil respect
Hector Garcia and the American GI Forum
In its ruling, the United State Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that the segregation of Mexican and Mexican American students into separate “Mexican schools” was unconstitutional
Mendez v. Westminster (1947)
case where the US Supreme Court recognized Mexican Americans as a class whose rights Anglos had violated through Jim Crow practices
Hernandez v. State of Texas (1954)
this case served as a forerunner of future decisions prohibiting discrimination by gender, disability, and sexual orientation
Hernandez v State of Texas (1954)
Woman’s suffrage amendment (Texas was one of the first southern states to ratify this amendment)
19th Amendment
the act granted married women equal rights in insurance, banking, real estate, contracts, divorce, child custody, and property rights. This was the first such comprehensive family law in the US
The Marital Property Act
support same sex marriage
Lawrence & Garner vs Texas
case that ruled that states must offer marriage license to same sex couples
Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)
rests on the principle of majority rule and respect for minority rights
protect from gov. interference (gov is negative)
civil liberties
protections by the government (gov is postive)
civil rights
amendment which black males get the right to vote
15th Amendment
theory that shows in democracies the aggregate distribution of political opinion forms a bell-shaped curve, with most voters possessing moderate opinions
Downs Theory