Chapter 1 Flashcards
Iron Triangle
- Reducing Cost of Care
- Improving Access
- Improving Quality
What does the iron triangle consist of?
- Congressional Committees
- Bureaucracy
- Interest Groups
The healthcare industry contains:
- Many stakeholders
- Divergent interests and perspectives
- Fixed positions
Theory Z Management
Increasing employee loyalty to the company by giving jobs for life with a strong focus on the employee’s well-being on/off the job.
Horizontal Management
The planning horizon is the amount of time an organization will look into the future when preparing a strategic plan.
Vertical Integration
An arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is owned by that company.
Toyota Production System
An integrated socio-technical system developed by Toyota, that comprises its management philosophy and practices.
The TPS organizes
- Manufacturing
- Logistics for the automobile manufacturer (interaction with suppliers and customers)
Health Outcomes are Determined by:
Factors outside national infrastructure
Many mutually dependent players require:
Value requires:
Effective partnerships
Organizations merge into systems with:
Objective of efficiency
Classic Bureaucratic Drawbacks
1) Too many levels
2) Too many horizontal divisions
3) Too many rules and regulations
The practice of scientific management and work efficiency as known in the Taylor system
Human Relations School
Primacy of group structures individual behaviors
Increasing value in healthcare requires
- Managerial Skills
- Assembling and clarifying alliances
- Balancing local and global commitments
- Developing local healthcare infrastructure
Supply side
Costs driven by imperfect information markets
Providers‘ side
Due to defensive and acute care and poor coordination